V-ATPase and proteins involved in late endosomal protein sorting are required for efficient utilization of LDs during growth resumption. V-ATPase and proteins involved in late endosomal protein sorting are required for efficient utilization of LDs during growth resumption. (A) LD consumption was analyzed in the indicated V-ATPase mutant (domain V0/V1, subunits A-H) and control strains (n=4), as described for Fig. 1B. (B) Analysis of LD consumption as shown in A but the consumption of BODIPY493/503-labeled LDs was followed in cells diluted into fresh medium with either DMSO as a control (−) or 100 ng/ml concanamycin A (+); (n=4). (C) Consumption of LDs in wild-type (wt), control (tgl3Δ) and vma16Δ mutant cells (V0 SU c’’ vma16Δ) after dilution from stationary phase into fresh medium containing 10 µg/ml cerulenin was followed by BODIPY493/503 staining and fluorescence microscopy. Scale bar: 5 µm. (D) Analysis of LD consumption carried out as described in A but in vacuolar protein sorting (vps) mutant strains (grouped according to vacuole morphology phenotype, i.e. Class A–D) as indicated, and wild-type (wt) and control (tgl3Δ) (n=7). Data are presented as mean+s.d.; *P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P<0.001 versus WT (A,D); ***P<0.001 versus control (B). Sarah Ouahoud et al. J Cell Sci 2018;131:jcs213876 © 2018. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd