Manscaping for a Handsome Male Organ
Just as every man wishes to be perceived as being attractive, so does every man desire his partners (or even just casual onlookers) to view his manhood as a handsome male organ. Paying careful attention to proper male organ care, of course, is one excellent way to achieve the goal of a handsome male organ. After all, when the manhood skin is well-hydrated and blemish-free and the member swells with pride, its appearance is greatly improved. But many men look to other means of accentuating their handsome male organ, and one of the more noteworthy is manscaping.
What is manscaping? A combination of the words landscaping and man, manscaping may refer specifically to grooming the midsection hair around the manhood and environs, or it may be expanded to include all body hair (member, armpits, chest, buttocks, legs, etc.). More commonly, it refers to the former, and this article will similarly focus on the midsection hair that grows on or around the member, sacks, and midsection. There are basically two types of manscaping – full or partial. Full means shaving all the hair off, down to the skin. However, a full manscaping to one man might mean shaving all the hair off his manhood, his sacks, and the midsection – or it may mean shaving all the hair off of just the sacks, say, or just the midsection.
Partial manscaping may be thought of as engaging more in tidying up and keeping neatly trimmed. Rather than shaving the area bald, a man takes the scissors and “neatens up” the unruly thatch of hair. Sometimes it involves cutting off quite a lot of hair; other times, it’s “just a trim.” But when completed, there is still at least a fair amount of hair left. And of course, a guy can combine things – do a full manscaping of his sacks, for example, but just a partial of his midsection.
Is it common? Manscaping has become more popular in recent years. According to a 2016 study in the American Journal of Men’s Health, just over half of the almost 4200 men surveyed reported engaging in some form of manscaping regularly. Grooming the midsection is most popular, with 87% of men who manscape tending to that area. In addition, 66% of these men shave the sacks and 57% the member shaft itself.
One of the primary motivating factors in manscaping, not surprisingly, relates to sensual activity. Some 73% of men between the ages of 25 and 34 manscape in anticipation of sensual activity, often oral sensual activity. (Getting hairs in the teeth is a common complaint of those who perform oral sensual activity on men.) Body image (and concern over male member physical presentation) also plays a role in the decision to manscape, and hygiene is another important factor. In terms of the latter, reducing hair reduces heat and sweat, which may in turn reduce male organ odor. Lice and other parasites are also easier to spot if the midsection and member are well shaved. Although this study did not explore it, some religions have recommendations for shaving the midsection that may influence a man’s decision to try manscaping.
Many men believe that manscaping does indeed present them with a more handsome male organ. It can be even more attractive if a man regularly applies a first-class male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). When the crème contains a combination of a high-end emollient (shea butter is one of the best) and a natural hydrating agent (such as vitamin E), a moisture lock can be created that helps keep manhood skin nice and moist rather than dry and scaly. It’s wise to select a crème that also contains vitamin A, as that vitamin contains anti-bacterial properties that can help to fight persistent male member odor.Man 1 Man Oil