_____________________________________ RANCH FORUM 11th of June 2019 _____________________________________ What is ANHCA? What is the Public Fund for DGR? Grant Planning and Writing – How to stand out from the crowd
Who are we? The Australian Neighbourhood Houses and Centres Association (ANHCA) is the national peak body of Neighbourhood and Community Houses and Centres in Australia. The members of ANHCA are the state peaks of South Australia, Victoria, Tasmania, Western Australia, New South Wales and Queensland. www.anhca.asn.au
What is the ANHCA Public Fund for DGR? The Australian Treasury granted special listing in tax legislation to ANHCA to establish and operate a Public Fund to coordinate the national fundraising activities of Neighbourhood and Community Houses and Centres. What is DGR status? A deductible gift recipient (DGR) is an entity or fund that can receive tax deductible gifts.
Why use the Public Fund? How does it work? Gives organisations the opportunity to access funds that require DGR status. How does it work? ANHCA is legally able to direct funds to other entities to support the activity and work of neighbourhood and community houses and centres throughout Australia, as outlined in our statement of purposes.
There are 2 ways to use the ANHCA Public Fund for DGR Use the Public Fund by registering to receive donations over $20 Applying for Project Funding through the ANHCA Public Fund for DGR
Eligibility Criteria The criteria is the same for General Donations and Project Applications Applicants must - Be an organisation (as opposed to an individual) Be a financial member of the relevant State Peak Body Be a legal entity (ie an incorporated body) If the organisation is a network or peak body rather than a House or Centre in its own right, it must apply funds to furthering or supporting the work of Neighbourhood and Community Houses and Centres Not have DGR status.
All applications must be in keeping with the purposes of ANHCA
OPTION 1 - Using the Public Fund by registering to receive donations over $20
What are General Donations A General Donation is a gift of money, with no expectation by the donor for any benefit from giving or any authority in directing how it is spent.
Some examples of how donations have been used in Neighbourhood and Community Houses and Centres– Support flood relief efforts Assist with renovations Establish a community restaurant Community events and festivals Provide scholarships for young people Support a photographic exhibition on ageing Scope a social enterprise
So how do we apply? The documents and information you need can be found at http://www.anhca.asn.au/anhca-public-fund-for-dgr/apply-now/apply-to-receive-tax-deductible-donations You will need to – Complete an easy application form Insert your organisations details in the MOU template Provide copies of your organisations constitution, most recent annual financial statement and a current list of committee members An administrative charge of 5% is deducted from donations to contribute to the costs associated with administrating the ANHCA Public Fund for DGR.
Some common misunderstandings This process will give our organisation DGR status. Unfortunately that is not the case, this process enables you to receive tax deductible donations, however the DGR status remains with ANHCA Donations can be paid to our organisation and then we can just let ANHCA know. For a tax deductible receipt to be issued, donations must be paid into ANHCA’s bank account. Currently we only process donations of $20 and over. If you have a donor who is happy to make a donation and not receive a tax deductible receipt, this does not need to come through the Public Fund.
OPTION 2 – Applying for Project Funding through the ANHCA Public Fund for DGR
Contact Contact us to discuss your proposal Contact the funder to discuss your proposal and to let them know you are submitting through the ANHCA Public Fund for DGR At least 2 weeks notice
Your organisation is responsible for all compliance and is required to submit a report to the public fund We will also ask for your permission to share information on your project as case studies to promote the Public Fund.
An overview of applications for Projects Organisations can apply for funding requiring DGR status, through the ANHCA Public Fund for DGR Eligibility and documentation requirements are similar to General Donations Application will be checked against criteria and submitted to the ANHCA Public Fund Committee for approval Once approved organisations are notified, they submit the funding application to the grant maker If the application is successful the grant is paid through the Public Fund and then to the House/ Centre less 5%
Some of the projects established by Neighbourhood and Community Houses and Centres through ANHCA Establish and maintain a sustainable community garden program Run a lunch to bring together Women on Dairy Farms Develop a classroom for ESL classes and other community activities Development of a resident led activity program Scoping of a social enterprise using a community consultation approach Support the strategic development of a food bank Support community engagement programs
For further information visit the ANHCA website for application forms, information sheets and resources http://www.anhca.asn.au/anhca-public-fund-for-dgr
Grant Planning and Writing How to stand out from the crowd
What are funders looking for???
Some things to remember when writing a grant application.
1. READ THE GUIDELINES!!! I promise you… Reading through the guidelines will save you a lot of time
2. Research Who are you seeking funding from??? Research the values, strategic goals and objectives of the philanthropic trust / government department or funding body you are seeking funding from. Show how your application aligns with what they are seeking to achieve through the grant program. This process will also help you work out whether they align with your own values, goals and objectives.
3. Pick up the phone and call The name and phone number of the grant program contact person is there for a reason! Touch base with this person prior to submitting the application and discuss the project you would like to have funded Ask any questions you might have about the eligibility of your project or the funding available. 3. Pick up the phone and call
4. Your budget is important Make sure your budget – Is accurate – Does your income and expenditure add up correctly? Is realisitic – Do not underestimate the time and resources required to complete the project/program. Includes in-kind support – Include staff and volunteer time, room hire, admin support. BUT ensure this is included in the income AND expenditure column.
5. Clearly outline the need Be clear about the need for the project and why your Neighbourhood House/Centre is the appropriate organisation to deliver this project 5. Clearly outline the need
6. Attention to detail This is very important in writing a grant application Think through how your project / program will be delivered and include – Timeframes Outcomes Personnel required
7. Use Stats and Facts A good application includes statistics and factual information on the issue the project seeks to address. Data collected on your Neighbourhood House/Centre that relates to the project can support the application, as can data from sources like the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)
8. Before you hit SUBMIT… Proof read your application Get a colleague / volunteer / partner / aunty / neighbour / anyone you can to read it and give you some feedback Use spell check Check that your budget adds up!!
Where do you find grants? Internet searching is your best friend Free grants search engine – www.grantguru.com.au Funding centre (Linked to Our Community) - $125 per year to access their grants database – www.fundingcentre.com.au Philanthropy trusts – www.philanthropy.org.au Federal Government – Grants Connect – www.grants.gov.au State Government – Grants Victoria - https://www.vic.gov.au/grants Local Government – Most will have a community grants program so check your local government website - http://knowyourcouncil.vic.gov.au/councils
Contact details Emily Harnett ANHCA Grants Officer Shop B41, Level 4, 744 Bourke Street, Docklands 3008 Phone - (03) 9602 1228 Email – emily@anhca.org I work Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays