Chapter 1 Introduction to Physical science


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 1 Introduction to Physical science MS-ETS1-2. Evaluate competing design solutions using a systematic process to determine how well they meet the criteria and constraints of the problem. How to scientist investigate the natural world around them?


Lab Safety Task: DSV: Can you tell me an example of home safety? Textbook Pg. 43-47 RH.6-8.5 – Text Structures DSV: Can you tell me an example of home safety? Question: When investigating, what are the lab safety rules a scientist should follow? Task: Read pages 43-47 from your book. Material manager will pick up pens and paper circles As a group discuss different ways to remain safe in the lab. The writer will write one way to stay safe for each circle, including citations. When finished, the material manager will place the circles on the board. The reporter will explain their answers to the class. Record the bubble map that describes lab safety on a piece of paper. Convert your thinking map into a paragraph, using an introduction sentence, supporting details, and a conclusion sentence.

Lab Safety Continued Depth of Knowledge: Write an additional paragraph explaining why following the safety rules are important. What are the effects if you don’t follow them? Make a Difference (200 pts each): What are some changes that can be made to make the science lab a safer environment? Develop a safety plan to improve the lab and meet with a teacher to arrange a time to implement it in the lab.

Skills Scientist Use DSV: What inquiry do you have about life? CCSS W.8.2 Informative Text Textbook Pg. 6 - 7 CCSS RI.6.1 Inferences DSV: What inquiry do you have about life? Question: What skills do scientist use to learn about the natural world around them? Task: While thinking about the question, read page 7. Material manager will pick up the paper strips. As a group discuss what each skill represents, highlighting the important words. The reporter should raise their hand and explain to the teacher. Determine thinking map to describe the different skills used by scientist. After the teacher approves, all group members should add the information to their paper in the form of a thinking map. Convert your thinking map into a paragraph, using an introduction sentence, supporting details, and a conclusion sentence.

WHST 6-8.2a Introduce a topic clearly, previewing what is to follow; organize ideas, concepts, and information into broader categories as appropriate to achieving purpose; include formatting (e.g., headings), graphics (e.g., Charts, tables), and multimedia when useful to aiding in comprehension. Topic Thesis Details Graphics

Skills Scientist Use Continued D.O.K: Look at the PowerPoint’s funny pictures and make observations, inferences, and predictions about that picture. Explain. Make a difference: Observe your school environment. Is there a situation in which you can infer that a person needs help? Show kindness to the person (without them knowing) and make a prediction about what you think will happen because of your kindness. Observe Infer PREDICT

Skills Lab Science Lab CCSS RI.6.7 Integrating Different Medias Science Lab

Scientific Inquiry WHST 6.2.a Informative Text: Introduction RST 6.2 Scientific Method Worksheets WHST 6.2.a Informative Text: Introduction RST 6.2 Central Ideas DSV: Describe the method you use to make your bed? Question: How do scientist use the scientific inquiry, or scientific method, to learn about the world around them? Task: The teacher will divide the class into 5 groups. Material Manager gets paper and writer writes the group members’ names on the paper. Discuss what thinking map to use to show the scientific process. As a group, read the passage and create one box of the flow-chart with your passage (5 minutes). Watch the teacher read her passage and tell her what is important. Use a yellow highlighter to indicate what content you feel is most important in you passage. Write the words on the post-it. After watching the teacher reading her passage, tell her what words are important. Highlight the few words (no more than 15) that you think are important on your own paper. Rewrite it on the new sticky notes. Watch the teacher review her paragraph and narrow the words down to (no more than 5). Revisit your paragraph and highlight no more than 5 words. Watch the teacher model her flow chart. On the back of your flow-chart, rewrite your flow-chart and post on the board. Write a paragraph about what you learned, using an introduction sentence that includes the 6 steps.

Scientific Inquiry Continued D.O.K: Describe a situation in which you have used, or could use, the scientific inquiry to learn something. Make a difference: Ms. Durham challenges you with a Question: How Can You Make CSDR Middle School a Better Place? Use the scientific inquiry to go through each of the steps. Write a paper about it and present the information the class.

Measurement Read pages 16-26. Pg. 16-26 WHST 6.2.a Informative Text: Introduction RST 6.2 Central Ideas DSV: What are the different things you measure at home? Question: How do scientist use measurement to learn about the world around them? Task: Read pages 16-26. As a group, determine the 6 kinds of measurements. Using an Bridge map, make analogies for each measurement (using the SI system) Convert your thinking map into an English Paragraph.

Measurement Continued D.O.K: Describe a situation in which you have used, or could used measurement to help you achieve your goals. Did you use SI measurements? How did measure help you succeed? Make a difference: Find a way to incorporate a use of measurement in the middle school. Examples include a billboard explaining how much volume of water a day we need, a new thermometer for all to read, brochure explaining a density of items, or poster about Body Mass Index and it’s effects on health.

Chapter 1 Introduction to Earth science MS-ETS1-2. Evaluate competing design solutions using a systematic process to determine how well they meet the criteria and constraints of the problem. How to scientist investigate the natural world around them?

Your log is your study guide!! Assessment!! WHST 6.4 Coherent Writing Science Log Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Rubric Closed-Book Grading Science, not English Your log is your study guide!!

Chapter 1 Introduction to Earth science MS-ETS1-2. Evaluate competing design solutions using a systematic process to determine how well they meet the criteria and constraints of the problem. How to scientist investigate the natural world around them?