Unit 2 Review
Rules 1) No yelling at Mrs. Ward 2) The first group to get the correct answer gets the point(s) 3) The group with the most points gets 4 extra credit points on the EXAM tomorrow. 4) The person who is the “writer” must be the one standing with the paper in the air. There is no more writing allowed once you have put your paper in the air. 5) If you got the answer wrong, you are disqualified for the rest of that round (no trying again) 6) No using notes. Only a periodic table. 7) No ties.
TRUE or FALSE H2 gas is a molecule and is also a compound.
ANSWER False… compounds must have 2+ types of atoms, like CO2
Which state of matter would take the shape of it’s container with a fixed volume?
A popsicle melting on the sidewalk is an example of what type of change?
ANSWER Physical…all phase changs (solid liquid gas) are physical changes.
“A shiny piece of steel rusted from sitting out in the rain.” Which part of this statement represents a physical property? Which part represents a chemical property?
ANSWER “A shiny piece of steel rusted from sitting out in the rain.” “SHINY” is physical, describing what it looks like “RUSTING” is chemical, because rust has a different composition than steel.
TRUE or FALSE: In solid objects, particles stop moving completely TRUE or FALSE: In solid objects, particles stop moving completely. This is what makes it solid.
ANSWER FALSE. Particles are still moving, just very slowly. They would only stop moving at absolute zero (0 Kelvin).
What is the definition for an anion?
ANSWER An ion with a negative charge.
If there is a cation present, did it GAIN electrons or LOSE electrons?
ANSWER LOSE electrons so that the there are now more positive protons than there are negative electrons.
What charge would group 7 most likely have?
What charge would group 2 most likely have?
How many neutrons does Carbon-14 have?
ANSWER 14 is the mass number of that particular isotope of Carbon and the atomic number of Carbon is 6, so 14-6= 8 neutrons.
TRUE or FALSE To get an isotope, you fluctuate the number of electrons.
ANSWER FALSE. You would fluctuate the number of neutrons to change the mass.
Who discovered protons and how? FIRST AND LAST NAME, BE DETAILED.
ANSWER Ernest Rutherford by shooting alpha particles (positive particles) at a piece of foil. The alpha particles deflected, which showed they were hitting something else that was positive (protons).
Who came up with the first atomic theory? FIRST AND LAST NAME.
ANSWER John Dalton
Who discovered electrons and how? FIRST AND LAST NAME. BE DETAILED.
ANSWER JJ Thomson- cathode ray tube showed electrons are emitted. Negative side of magnet repelled (or positive side attracted) so proved they were negative.
What is the identity of the atom?
ANSWER Protons
Is an alloy a pure substance or a mixture?
ANSWER Mixture (of metals)
What are the 3 particles of the atom and their respective charges?
ANSWER Proton + Neutron (neutral) Electron -
Why isn’t the mass of strontium-52 on the periodic table reported as 52?
ANSWER The periodic table shows average atomic masses of all isotopes present
How many electrons can the 2nd energy level hold?
ANSWER 8 (s holds 2 and p holds 6)
How many electrons can the d sublevel hold?
Write the electron configuration for phosphorus.
ANSWER 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p3
How many electrons are in the outermost energy level of Arsenic?
ANSWER 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10 4p3 5 electrons in the 4th energy level
What is Hund’s rule?
ANSWER Every orbital must be occupied 1 electron before any can have 2
What is the Pauli exclusion principle?
ANSWER Any 2 electrons sharing an orbital must be spinning in opposite directions.
Underline the part of the configuration that is WRONG and then EXPLAIN WHY IT IS WRONG. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d9 4p4
ANSWER 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d9 4p4 3d can have 10 electrons and must be filled before 4p gets any (“Hunds Rule” would be an acceptable explanation as well)
Who discovered the neutron? FIRST AND LAST NAME.
ANSWER James Chadwick
Protons-20 Electrons-20 Neutrons-22 Give the isotopic notation.
ANSWER Calcium-42
Protons-20 Electrons-20 Neutrons-22 Give the nuclear notation.
ANSWER (see board)
What is the most specific and correct name of a substance if the only information you have is there are 35 protons and 36 electrons?
ANSWER Bromide
If zinc were an ion, how many protons would it have?
30 (protons don’t change to become an ion)
What is the electron configuration for promethium?
ANSWER 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p65s24d105p66s24f5
(HONORS ONLY QUESTIONS) What is the shorthand configuration of Iodine?
ANSWER [Kr]5s2 4d10 5p5
Write a permissible set of quantum numbers for any valence electron in Rubidium.
ANSWER (5, 0, 0, + ½ ) Or (5, 0, 0, - ½ )
Draw an orbital diagram (starting with 1s) and circle the electron that the following quantum numbers refer to: (4, 1, -1, + ½)
If the previous set of quantum numbers (4, 1, -1, + ½) described the only electron in that energy level/sublevel, which element is it?
ANSWER Gallium