Education in Russia
What do you know about Russian education?
System of education Pre-school edu. General edu. Professional edu. Additional edu. Nurseries, Age 2-3 Kindergartens Age 4-6 Primary school Grades 1-4 Age 7-11 Basic Liceums, PTU After 9th grade Art and music schools, studios, language schools, refresher courses, Middle Colleges After 9th or 11th Secondary school Grades 5-9 Age 12-16 Higher Universities, academies After 11th grade or college High school Grades 10-11 Age 17-18 Postgraduate studies
Laws about Education Article 43 of the Constitution “Everyone has the right to education” The federal education law №273-FL 29.12.2012 Federal State Educational Standard
Aims Providing a purposeful process of upbringing and education Socialization Culture Patriotism Experience Skills Knowledge Literacy Competencies
Principles Freedom, democracy Humanism, values priority Adaptivity to changes Availability for all people Variety of edu. technologies
Pre-school education
Features Generally low level after 1990-s Number of kids depends on room`s square (2 m2 per 1 kid) Upbringer = teacher
Issues Not enough places for kids Deficit of qualified educators Extremely low salary (100-200 €) Difference in level among kindergartens Using obsolete methods and not using free play
School education
Academic year: 1st of September – 31st of May Holidays! 1 week in November 10 days for New Year`s holidays 1 week in March 3 months in summer
Uniform Dark (black/blue/red) + white
Classroom Desks+ chairs + teacher`s place
Subjects in primary school - Mathematics - Russian language - Literature - World around us - English language - Art - Information Technologies - Physical Education
Subjects in secondary and high schools - Mathematics - Russian language - Literature - Geography - History - Biology + Chemistry - English language - Information Technologies - Physical Education
Issues No idea where we are going Much bureaucracy for teachers Teacher`s salary 300-600 € Students don`t know how to apply knowledge in real life
Should you go to Erasmus in Russia? + Cheap. Really cheap. + Many historical places + Excellent academic and theoretic base Cold. Really cold. Probably no traveling outside Russia Not the most progressive views in sphere of education
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