Southwest college Registration instructions
Getting Your College ID Number The process to get your college ID number has changed slightly. You now need to register through OpenCCC prior to registering with SWC. Entire process is done through the SWC website. Once you’ve completed the process you will receive your college ID in via email in approximately 2 days.
Step – By – Step Instructions IMPORTANT: You must have an email address to create an account. Go to the SWC website Click on “Apply and Register” located on the right side of the web page Click on:
Application Screen Type in your last name Type in your Social Security Number Select a term from the drop down menu Click the “Submit” button at the bottom
Online Application Click on the link in the middle of the page to continue with your application CLICK HERE: --> SWC Online Application <--
OpenCCC At this screen you will see that you need to have an OpenCCC acount. Click on “Create an Account” to continue.
Email Address This is where you need to have an email address. If you don’t have one, please set one up now. When you are ready to proceed, click on: “Begin Creating My Account”
Complete the Application Fill in the information and click “Continue” on the bottom. Page 2: Continue filling in the information and click “Continue” on the bottom Create a Username & Password. Make sure you write this information down. Your teacher doesn’t have access to this if you lose it. Click “Continue” at the bottom of the page.
SWC Application Click on “Start a new Application” You are now at the SWC application.
Enrollment Information Click on the “Enrollment Information” tab on the left side of the page. Select information from the drop down menu and click “Continue” at the bottom.
Next Steps Continue adding information on each page – Click “Continue” at the bottom when you are ready to move on. You can’t skip a tab – You can only move ahead when you complete the information on the page. Answer the questions the best you can.
Review Application Once you’ve filled out all of the information review the application and then click on: “I have reviewed this application and confirm it is complete and accurate”
Final Step Read the application and check the boxes stating that all of the information is true, etc. When you are finished, click on: “Submit My Application”
Check your Email! You will receive an Email confirmation from OpenCCC. Your Email confirmation from SWC will take 2 – 3 days. This will contain your student ID number.
Register for Your Class through CATEMA STUDENTS QUICK START GUIDE STEP 1: FIRST-TIME USERS--CREATE YOUR ACCOUNT (one time only) Go to your Login page at Click on New Student => select Create Account. Follow the prompts to create your user account & click Submit. Your “Username” and “Password” will be automatically generated, based on your personal information You will also need your Southwestern College ID# to register for your class. After your new student account has been created, make note of your username and password in the box below, and save it in a safe location. You must then “enroll” in your CTE articulated classes. Please DON’T LOG OUT YET! => Enter your class enrollment record(s)…
STEP 2: CREATE CLASS ENROLLMENT RECORD(S) Create an enrollment record for each CTE articulated class you are taking. Select the following from the drop-down lists and click Submit… o High School o Teacher o Class Name o Class Period o Career Interest Save this information Save your Username, Password and SWC ID# below to avoid any delays in accessing your class information. Southwestern College ID#: ________________ Username: ______________________________ Password: ______________________________