The Cell Cycle
Essential Question What is cancer and how can it affect my life?
What is happening in our cells? Catalyst: How do humans grow? What is happening in our cells?
Why do our cells grow and divide?
#1 Reproduction ASEXUAL – create identical offspring to parent SEXUAL – offspring is combination of 2 parents
Regenerate lost tissue Replace aging cells #3 Repair Regenerate lost tissue Replace aging cells
Why is it important in reproduction, growth and repair that cells divide?
In a journal entry, summarize what you learned today and how this information might relate to our essential question.
Need Genetic Info for New Cells A. Chromosomes – DNA and protein coiled together (Chromo = color, some = body) B. Contains genetic info from both parents Where are chromosomes stored in the cell? C. Humans have 46 chromosomes in the nucleus of body cells
Organism Number of Chromosomes Goldfish 94 Shrimp 254 Chimpanzee 48 Fruit Fly 8 Peas 14
How the Cell Cycle Works Video
Cell Cycle
The Cell Cycle A. Interphase – cell grows and prepares for cell division by copying chromosomes and making more organelles B. Mitosis – Chromosomes separate into two nuclei C. Cytokinesis-Cytoplasm separates forming 2 daughter cells
G1-Gap 1 phase #1 How are these pictures of the same cell different?
S-Synthesis phase #2 What happens in S phase?
#3 The Nucleus is the__________of the cell. #4 The Nucleus contains_______________________, which are the instructions for the cell. #5 These instruction are found in the ____________________________. #6 Why does the cell need to copy these instructions?
Nucleus= Control Center DNA= Instructions Chromosomes=Library
G2-Gap 2 phase #7 How are these pictures of the same cell different?
1. Prophase #8 What first appears? #9 What disappears? #10 What forms to help arrange chromosomes?
2. Metaphase #11 Where do the chromosomes go?
3. Anaphase #12 What happens to the sister chromatids?
4. Telophase #9 What reforms during telophase?
Cytokinesis #13 What is cytokinesis? #14 What phase occurs after cytokinesis?
Mitosis in Cells
Mnemonic Device Cell Cycle Mitosis Go Sally Go! Make Cookies. Please Make Another Tadpole.
#15 Summarize what you learned today?
Mitosis Flip Book HMWK due Thursday Draw what is happening in each stage of the CELL CYCLE. Write a caption for each image. Be Creative!!!!
What is Cancer?