Quick Overview of DARC Training. Evaluating models: atmosphere and ocean. Inverse modelling (understanding processes). Observation-assimilation interface. “Re-analysis” for the atmosphere and ocean. Theory of data assimilation, e.g. algorithm development & improvement error modelling & error propagation (incl. biases)
O-B statistics for MIPAS L2 ozone DARC analyses, 11-17th September 2002 Global mean O-B
Ocean assimilation research in DARC ST ST +SS 1st Salinity First 40 yr reanalysis at ECMWF Mean N Pacific Salinity 300m 1st Salinity increment from Salinity data ST ST +SS
Modelling the B matrix Explicit B-matrix MetO B-matrix Vertical T corrs (fn. of posn.) Explicit B-matrix MetO B-matrix WS B-matrix (4 bands)