5 A’s of Media Literacy
What is Media Literacy? The ability to access, evaluate, analyze and produce all types of communication.
Differs from Country to Country Democratic Society Differs from Country to Country Basic Human Right Access
A Basic Human Right A Human Right (video) Ahumanright.org
Awareness How do media messages impact us? What does the media portray about our culture? Awareness
Media Messages Media & Culture Evolution of Beauty Is global media creating a set of shared values, or destroying local customs?
Assessment All media messages have a perspective – assess it! How do different countries cover the same story? Assessment
Media Bias http://mediamatters.org/p/about_us/
Learn about different cultures Appreciation Learn about different cultures
Access to information can empower us to take action.
Students in US Help Iranians Get Info Out http://www.suite101.com/content/students-in-us-help-iranians-get-info-out-a127949
Connecting cultures: new dynamics in global media literacy