Civil War Begins = April 12, 1861 Fort Sumter
Geographically (land) Criteria Union Confederacy Military Leadership Geographically (land) Sea Population Industry Motivation Economic Foreign involvement Political leadership R E C A P
The Draft NY City Riot
Resume Failed in first business venture Defeated for the Legislature Failed in second business venture Elected to the Legislature Had a nervous breakdown Defeated for Speaker Defeated for Elector Defeated for Congress Elected to Congress Lost seat in Congress Defeated for the Senate Defeated for Vice President 1827 1832 1833 1834 1836 1838 1840 1843 1846 1848 1855 1856 1858
Lincoln as a War President
How was the Civil War a: Legal issue Moral issue Social issue What other types of issues are appropriate when generalizing about the causes of the Civil War?
Secessionitis February 21, 1861 - The Seceding Mississippi Delegation, Featuring Jefferson Davis
Why did the South Secede in 1860? Election of Republican President Fear of Lincoln--? Expansion of slavery--? Feared becoming a minority Broken Compact Inferiority complex--? Southern Honor Identity/ Way of life- sectional and regional identity
Crittenden Compromise