Warm Up: Think about the event you will teach the class about today. What reaction did the North have to this event? The South?


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Presentation transcript:

Warm Up: Think about the event you will teach the class about today. What reaction did the North have to this event? The South?

How did the Civil War begin? Today’s Question: How did the Civil War begin?

Agenda: Share stories of events leading up to the war Read about/act out: Secession and Fort Sumter Begin newspaper article

While the groups are presenting: Sit quietly, face the group Hold comments/questions until the end After the presentation: draw a picture to represent the event

1831: Nat Turner’s Rebellion

1854: Bleeding Kansas

1856: Beating of Charles Sumner

1857: Dred Scott Decision

1859: John Brown’s Raid

1860: Election of Lincoln

Important Vocab: Secession: the withdrawal of southern states from the United States Interfere: to take part in something without invitation Disunion: the breaking up of a country Delegates: a person elected to represent others in government Dissolved: to close down Momentous: an event of great importance

You are a newspaper reporter on the scene at Fort Sumter. Read All About It! You are a newspaper reporter on the scene at Fort Sumter. Describe what is happening in the painting Explain why this is happening (what events led up to this attack?) Interview at least one person