How do we best support students with dyslexia who struggle with literacy in the middle years? How should we define dyslexia?
Language Comprehension Reading Comprehension Simple View of Reading Printed Word Recognition Language Comprehension Fluency Phoneme Awareness Phonics Vocabulary Reading Comprehension
Simple View of Reading - as an algorithm 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.25 1 x 0 = 0 THEN NEXT SLIDE
Syllable types Tools4learning and other links From here, I introduce the 6 syllable types. Knowing the 6 syllable types is useful because they help students remember when to double letters in spelling and how to pronounce the vowels in new words. The conventions also help teachers organise decoding and spelling instruction. Teaching the syllable types can be easily differentiated - by choosing word examples appropriate for your students. Teaching the 6 syllable types takes time - unfortunately you will only get around 5 minutes instruction… Spoken and written syllables can be different - but the 6 syllable types will be useful. They provide a “problem-solving” strategy for reading and spelling.
See pp31-
What vocabulary should we teach? Biome, urbanisation, climograph hypothesise, technology analyse dog, happy, love
Explicit Vocabulary Lesson
Word pronunciation: kron-ol-og-ic-al (notice the schwa) Word: Chronological Word pronunciation: kron-ol-og-ic-al (notice the schwa) Chronos - Kronos - Greek for time - one of the Greek Gods + logic Student-friendly definition "arranged in order by time," Sensible ordering of history Chronological means in order of the time something happened We nearly always say: chronological order Say more about the word So, if I asked you to line up in order of your dates of birth - you would be lining up in chronological order Ask 3-4 questions: eg, True or False, yes or no Events are ordered in history by their chronological dates. Chronological or not chronological - ONLY slides 5-7 Elicit word use: The teacher showed the students how to create their history timeline to show the events in chronological order. My autobiography tells the story of my life in chronological order. Alphabetical order is NOT chronological order. The Hunger Games, Mockingjay and Catching Fire are three novels written in chronological order. Place these events in chronological order.