A. Scott Moreau Wheaton College Evangelical Missions Quarterly Spiritual Warfare 1 A. Scott Moreau Wheaton College Evangelical Missions Quarterly
Question for Discussion: (1 Chron. 21:1) Biblical Description Satan rose up against Israel and incited David to take a census of Israel. (2 Sam. 24:1) Again the anger of the LORD burned against Israel, and he incited David against them, saying, “Go and take a census of Israel and Judah . . . David, driven by jealousy of the size of his enemy’s army and how it affected his manliness, was internally tormented into taking a census of Israel David, still trying to earn the approval of Jesse (his father), took a census of Israel. Human Description: Two psychological views . . . Human Description: Two spiritual warfare views . . . David, forgetting that he was a child of God and that self-worth is not based on performance, listened to Satan’s voice and took a census of Israel David, demonized by a spirit of pride, took a census of Israel. Event: David takes a census . . . Question for Discussion: What explanation do you naturally “lean” towards and why?
Exercise humble authority and resist A Bird’s Eye View Put on Christ Strip off sin Engage truth Exercise humble authority and resist
Satan’s Nature Toward Death Sifter/ Tester Deceiver Liar Destroyer Murderer Toward Death Tempter Accuser Sinner
Human Nature We have the ability to choose We provoke jealousy in Satan by virtue of who we are We were designed to connect to the one whose image we bear We must worship—either God or idols
Unmasking the Sources of Sin Roots Unbelief: refusal to accept what God says as true Pride: the misguided belief that we never really deserved expulsion from Eden Anger: our emotional response to make someone pay for our expulsion from Eden when we have been Violated or hurt Embarrassed or shamed Blocked from our objective Lust: our attempt to return to the passion we lost after expulsion from Eden Occult sin Habitual sin
Idols: God Replacements Near Idols: The Search for Security General orientation Dominion over Creation Control Accessible and tangible Examples Money, possessions, lifestyle Expertise, competence Health, diet, fitness, body-beautiful Result: Enslave and overpower us
Time for Reflection Identify near idols that you see in our culture. How have these been used by the enemy in your own life?
Idols: God Replacements Far Idols: The Search for Significance Core issues: Trust: Relating to God Meaning and purpose in life Less accessible, more overarching Examples: Hope of happiness or immortality Progress as an inevitable force Self-esteem Results: Evaporate when we need them most
Time for Reflection What people, things, or actions do you see people in our culture using to gain a sense of significance? What are some that you have seen the enemy use in your own life?
Satan’s Intended Path Domination Deception Destruction
Resting in God’s Finished Work Tired of Trying to Measure Up, by Jeff Van Vonderan Consistent Behavior New Messages (Loved, accepted, forgiven, new creations) (God's Performance) New Source "REST" Decision Messages that Shame Negative Behavior "GIVE UP" Outside Source MIND Positive Behavior Messages that Affirm "TRY HARD" Belief (Shame Grid)
Time for reflection What is do you see people in our culture using to cover their sense of shame? What are some of the ways you deal with your own sense of shame?
A Kingdom System . . . On the one hand . . . Enable people to show that they are made in the image of God by living according to His design for the creation. We acknowledge that we are owned and seek to live controlled by the Holy Spirit. Live in line with God's kingdom ethics: harmony, love, forgiveness, salt and light, etc. Trust God for all our needs and live above our circumstances. Recognize that we are children of God and live in a way that shows the truth. Freely choose to live so as to please God. On the other hand . . . Cause people to live out of harmony of the image of God by perverting ourselves through rebellion. We are demonized (controlled) by evil spirits (either in great fear or in ignorance). Live out of harmony with God's kingdom ethics, whether by bending them or outright denial of them, resulting in strife, enmity, and bitterness. Trust anyone (or anything) but God to meet our needs and/or surrender to our circumstances. Be ignorant of our heritage, consider ourselves spiritual orphans (or as Satan's children). Live in bondage to Satan and his hosts and think of it as "freedom."