An analysis of carotid artery stenting procedures performed in New York and Florida (2005-2006): Procedure indication, stroke rate, and mortality rate.


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Presentation transcript:

An analysis of carotid artery stenting procedures performed in New York and Florida (2005-2006): Procedure indication, stroke rate, and mortality rate are equivalent for vascular surgeons and non-vascular surgeons  Robert Steppacher, MD, Nicholas Csikesz, BS, Mohammad Eslami, MD, Elias Arous, MD, Louis Messina, MD, Andres Schanzer, MD  Journal of Vascular Surgery  Volume 49, Issue 6, Pages 1379-1385 (June 2009) DOI: 10.1016/j.jvs.2009.02.233 Copyright © 2009 Society for Vascular Surgery Terms and Conditions

Fig A graphical representation of the method used for the assignment of operator type. Any provider linked to both vascular surgeons (VS) and interventional cardiologist (IC) codes was defined as either VS or IC according to the proportion of VS procedures coded. A threshold of 70% was used for discrimination. If greater than 70% of total recorded procedures were VS procedures, the provider was assigned to VS; conversely, if greater than 70% of total recorded procedures were IC procedures, the provider was assigned to IC. Of 645 unique “Unique Provider Identifier” (UPIs), only four providers were unable to be classified (0.6%). For clarity, a logarithmic scale is used to display the data. Journal of Vascular Surgery 2009 49, 1379-1385DOI: (10.1016/j.jvs.2009.02.233) Copyright © 2009 Society for Vascular Surgery Terms and Conditions