SHAPE VS FORM Robot drawing
Shape: an enclosed space created by any of the elements of art Shape: an enclosed space created by any of the elements of art. IE line, color, texture, value.
Are these forms?
All these have 3 dimensions
FORM Form: (noun) - Form is one of the seven elements of art. At its most basic, a form is a three-dimensional geometrical figure (i.e.: sphere, cube, cylinder, cone, etc.), as opposed to a shape, which is two-dimensional, or flat. In a broader sense, form, in art, means the whole of a piece's visible elements and the way those elements are united. In this context, form allows us as viewers to mentally capture the work, understand it and attempt to analyze it.
Yay! Or Nah! To form or not to form.
Artist create the illusion of form…. By adding what?
Lets try this again What is the difference between a circle and a sphere? What is the difference Between shape and form?
YOUR ROBOT Must benefit mankind in some way. Contain at least 3 drawn froms with shading There must be a background that relates to the job or functionality of the robot. It must have a name. You may use pencil and Color pencils to complete.
Hmmm….what is your robot going to look like ?
YOUR ROBOT Must benefit mankind in some way. Contain at least 3 drawn forms with shading There must be a background that relates to the job or functionality of the robot. MUST BE 3-D It must have a name. You may use pencil and Color pencils to complete.