Fire Rescue Services 2019 Core Budget
Core Services Fire Suppression Rescue Services(Technical Rescue) Minimum on duty strength of a five person response Additional resources available; off duty staff, mutual aid, fire service agreements First response medical aid Rescue Services(Technical Rescue) Motor vehicle accidents Confined space, low angle and shoreline water rescue CRD Hazardous Materials Response
Strategic Priorities/Objectives Enhance the Health and Livability of the Community Leveraging existing resources to increase the core delivery of services Enhance Key Relationships Joint training Exploring partnerships and sharing of resources Participating in regional initiatives Address Operational and Financial Requirements of Infrastructure Public safety building infrastructure
2018 Budget Summary Total FTE = 28 Capital Budget = $112,000 Operating Revenue = $7,500 Operating Budget = $4,557,584
2018 Achievements Hosted several regional fire training courses and workshops. Completed our Dispatch Transition to Surrey Fire. Increased Fire Response to 1st Alarm Fires with Automatic Aid from CFB Esquimalt. Implemented upgrades to all Portable Radios (APX 8000). Completed an internal audit using the Office of the Fire Commissioner Audit Tool. Increased medical (first responder) skills. Developed increase Fire Department capacity to support long term and community wide events.
Key Challenges The department is continuously evolving while focusing on core functions. As such, the following opportunities and challenges are identified: Challenges Maintaining cost control Streamlining administrative tasks Opportunities Greater use of technologies for streamlining administrative functions Continue to explore new and higher level partnerships
2019 Initiatives Consult with stakeholders on McLoughlin Point Amenity Reserve Funds and conduct a capacity and needs assessment for the public safety facility. Plan for the replacement of our rescue truck. Perform final testing of the CREST P 25 radio network. Increase fire and life safety programs within the Township. Continue and expand joint training sessions with other Fire Departments. Update emergency services mapping.