Safety Program for LCLS Experiments


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Presentation transcript:

Safety Program for LCLS Experiments Zoe VanHoover – LCLS Experimental Facilities Division Safety Officer May 14, 2009

All Safety Programs at SLAC Follow ISEMS Introduction All Safety Programs at SLAC Follow ISEMS Five Core Functions Seven Guiding Principles Operational Safety Program Modeled after SLAC Accelerator Systems Division operational safety program, plus programs at SSRL, ALS, and APS User Safety Program Incorporates elements of user safety programs from SSRL, ALS, and APS.

ISEMS Five Core Functions ISEMS: Integrated Safety and Environmental Management System CF1: Define Scope of Work CF2: Analyze Hazards CF3: Develop and Implement Hazard Controls CF4: Perform Work CF5: Feedback and Improvement

ISEMS Seven Guiding Principles GP1: Line Management Responsibility for Safety GP2: Roles and Responsibilities are Clearly Defined GP3: Competence Commensurate With Responsibility GP4: Balanced Priorities GP5: Identification of Safety Standards GP6: Tailored Controls GP7: Operations Authorization

Operational Safety Program XFD Safety Officer Oversee and assist in hazard identification and mitigation Advise on safety policies and procedures, and interpret regulatory safety mandates (OSHA, DOE) Participate in BLA development and implementation Provide authorization signature for Radiation Safety Work Control Forms (RSWCF) if needed Oversee XFD operations for safety Floor Coordinators Conduct safety procedures (online/offline, search, etc.) Validate BLA Implement Experiment Safety Check List Put beamlines online/offline Act as Person In Charge in the event of emergencies Instrument Manager Participate in identifying Radiation Safety System (RSS) components Participate in development of BLA. Write instrument SOPs if needed Area Manager Monitor work and ensure that it is done safely Participate in identifying RSS components Participate in development of BLA Release work for RSWCF if needed

Sample Search Procedure

User Experiment Safety Program At the time of Experiment Proposal Submission User submits Experiment Safety Assessment Form (ESAF) XFDSO reviews ESAF to preliminarily determine whether hazards of proposed experiments can be adequately controlled at LCLS CF1: Define Scope CF2: Analyze Hazards GP4: Balanced Priorities GP5: Tailored Controls GP6: Identification of Safety Standards GP7: Operations Authorization

User Experiment Safety Program When Experiment Has Been Approved for Beam Time LCLS supervisor is appointed for all users associated with proposed experiment. User updates ESAF as necessary XFDSO thoroughly reviews ESAF and works with experiment proponents, SLAC safety subject matter experts (SMEs), and identified LCLS user supervisor to analyze hazards, identify user safety training requirements, and develop hazard controls. CF2: Analyze Hazards CF3: Develop and Implement Hazard Controls GP1: Line Management Responsibility for Safety GP2: Roles and Responsibilities are Clearly Defined GP3: Competence Commensurate with Responsibilty GP5: Identification of Safety Standards GP6: Tailored Controls GP7: Operations Authorization

User Experiment Safety Program User Safety Training Computer Based Training – may be completed before arrival at SLAC site GERT SON/EOESH Written training materials for on-site training will be available for review before arrival on site Training administered by User Research Administration Verify completion of remote computer based training General SLAC site safety Read and sign Access Guidelines and Agreement Training administered on location at LCLS hutch and experimental floor Hutch and instrument specific safety training Hutch search procedure On site review of planned experiment procedures, hazards, and controls with designated SLAC supervisor. Additional training may be required for experiments with additional hazards Laser Safety Higher level electrical safety Higher level radiological training Other training requirements identified in ESAF process

User Experiment Safety Program When Users Arrive on Site Users complete all required training, supervisor confirms completion. Supervisor identifies all user equipment, and does not authorize use of user furnished equipment until appropriate SME inspections are completed (electrical safety, laser safety, mechanical, or seismic) Supervisor reviews all planned user procedures to identify any hazards not caught earlier in the ESAF process, or procedures that do not adequately control hazards Works with XFDSO to update ESAF and finalize hazard list and hazard controls as required. CF2: Analyze Hazards CF3: Develop and Implement Hazard Controls GP1: Line Management Responsibility for Safety GP2: Roles and Responsibilities are Clearly Defined GP3: Competence Commensurate with Responsibilty GP5: Identification of Safety Standards GP6: Tailored Controls GP7: Operations Authorization

User Experiment Safety Program In order to begin work List of qualified users with training completion record is posted at hutch Authorizing documents (ATA, or JSA/SOP) posted at hutch by supervisor Beam Line authorization (BLA) is posted at hutch All required experiment specific safety documents are posted at hutch (laser SOPs, MSDSs, etc.) Floor Coordinator completes and posts completed safety checklist as work release. Separate set-up phase, and x-ray phase safety checklists X-ray phase safety checklist completion and online procedure completion allows FC to key beamline online CF3: Develop and Implement Hazard Controls CF4: Perform Work Within Controls GP1: Line Management Responsibility for Safety GP2: Roles and Responsibilities are Clearly Defined GP3: Competence Commensurate With Responsibility GP5: Identification of Safety Standards GP6: Tailored Controls GP7: Operations Authorization

User Experiment Safety Program During User Experiments Work is only performed by authorized users and employees Safety oversight by SLAC staff ~ 24 hour instrument scientist coverage during use of their instrument 24 hour Floor Coordinator coverage Periodic walk-though inspection by XFDSO If scope of work changes at any time, stop and start ISMS process from the beginning. Upon Completion of Experiment Safety feedback provided through User Research Administration questionnaire CF4: Perform Work Within Controls CF5: Feedback and Improvement GP1: Line Management Responsibility for Safety GP2: Roles and Responsibilities are Clearly Defined GP3: Competence Commensurate With Responsibility GP6: Tailored Controls GP7: Operations Authorization

Conclusion Please provide feedback on planned operational and user safety programs. XFDSO Contact Information: Zoe VanHoover (650) 926-8772