BCI for cognitive rehabilitation Ph.D. Luca Tonin
BCI for rehab: State of the art 07/07/2014
BCI guidance for motor rehab Improving activity in the affected hemisphere by means of coherent BCI feedback Actuators: Robotic arms FES Exosckeleton 07/07/2014
BCI for cognitive rehab: Task Cognitive task: Covert visuospatial attention Characteristics of CVSA Natural cognitive task Daily experienced Self-paced, voluntary Top-down control Neurophysiological mechanisms regulating attention 07/07/2014
BCI for cognitive rehab: Syndrome Neglect syndrome 07/07/2014
Preliminary data Significant effect due to online BCI feedback Healthy hemisphere Affected hemisphere Significant effect due to online BCI feedback 07/07/2014
Contributions & collaborations 07/07/2014