Performance & Development Review USER GUIDE > MANAGER
Contents Connection to Elior Talents My Space Performance & Development Review
Contents Connection to Elior Talents My Space Performance & Development Review
Connection to Elior talents To access to Elior talents, Log on to your intranet Click on « Ok » Click on the « elior talents » logo And you will be taken to the system log in page.
Connection to Elior talents user name this is your elior email address Password If you have forgotten your password or its your first time using the system click on forgotten your password. An email will be sent straight to you
Connection to Elior talents A legal disclaimer will be the first screen if you have not logged onto Elior Talents before. - Click on the « Ok » button to accept the disclaimer. The screen you will see is the Elior talents welcome page.
Contents Connection to Elior Talents My Space Performance & Development Review
2. My Space Discover My Space / My News Fill in my CV Access to my results Access to my dashboards Access to my options
Welcome to My Space! You will be able to access certain functionalities depending on your profile. You will have either Colleague or Manager view. Everyone has access to My Space >1 Click on My Space My News is your homepage. Only 6 actions can be listed on this page, so if you have 7+ direct reports you will need to follow step 2 to see them all. >2 Click on My Actions to see ALL your actions, for instance, complete or approve a review. >3 In My Links you can access to Elior talents user guides by clicking on the link Elior talents user guides. >1 >2
> Fill in my CV… In My Profile you can complete and update your CV. Here you can… > Attached a Photo. > Provide information about your experience within and outside of Elior, education and training, languages spoken and other useful information for career management. > The extra professional experience section is for activities such as School Governor or Non-Executive Director, etc. N.B. Make sure you keep your CV updated, as it will be used during succession planning and talent reviews.
> My Results… In My Results you have access to all your previous reviews. Previous validated reviews will be listed here, you have access at any time. > Display the review by clicking on the eye icon. Download the review as a PDF by clicking on the Adobe PDF icon
> My Dashboards In My Dashboards you have access to details of all your objectives, documents, mobility/transfer requests and training requests as specified in your review. You have access at any time. >
> My Options In My Options you can change your password. Click on [change password] Personalise your password in the indicated fields Click on [Approve] to save your changes [Quit] will cancel your changes >
Contents Connection to Elior Talents My Space Performance & Development Review
3. Performance & Development Review Process Finding your form Functionalities of the form Complete my form Validate my form
Process Colleague Prepares Manager Locks Form and Prepares Form Submitted Manager Approval Colleague Sign-off Colleague to call Manager and inform once completed Meet and Discuss Ratings & Comments Manager Locks Form and Prepares Colleague Prepares
> Finding Your Performance objectives Form >1 Click on My Space >2 In My News [My Actions] Click on the link and the relevant Performance & Development Review will open. >1 >2
> Functionalities of the form Save The button « Save » allows you to save while completing your form. Save and Quit The button « Save and Quit » allows you to save your work and leave the form, Be careful when closing the form, do not leave the form by closing the window as the form can not close properly and your manager will not be able to access your form. Print The button “Print” allows you to have a paper version of your form. Export to PDF The button « Export to PDF » allows you to have a PDF version of you form.
> General Information Remember the quality of the discussion is what is important, your preparation acts as a prompt within the discussion. Key points are all that’s required! Check your colleague has prepared each page and then add your own comments. >3
> Behavioural Competencies (1) The [Behavioural Competencies] tab is divided into 2 parts: 1. Behavioural Competency Assessment 2. Setting Competency Development Goals >4 Access each of the six Behavioural Competencies. Enter your comments, making note of any different ratings. Review whether you believe their development goals are relevant and if any are missing then add them. >4
> Behavioural Competencies (2) >5 5. Set the Competency Development Goals: Complete the expected behaviours [What do I need to achieve?] The means to reach them [How will I get here?] And the deadline [When do I need to do it by?]
> Next Career Step (1) 6> Go through the review Next Career Step before the meeting. Take note of the following: > Work-life Balance > How happy they are with Elior > The training and development indicated > Relocation/transfer requests. > Insert any extra development that you would recommend for them bearing in mind their career aspirations. >6
> Overall Performance >7 Rate Overall Performance with your colleague Add your comments to the strengths and Development columns >8 Save & Quit >9 Hold the meeting & Discuss all of the points this should take ~ 2 hours >10 Your colleague must then login, add comments and confirm discussion held. >11 Once your colleague has added comments, you must login write your comments and approve the review. Colleague will have completed Strengths and Development Areas – this is useful for you to identify their blind spots. >7 >11 >8 >11
> Display Your Review The tab [My Results] displays the history of your approved reviews. You can consult them at any time. > Display the review by clicking on the eye icon. Download the review as a PDF by clicking on the Adobe PDF icon
> Display Your Teams Review The tab [Team Information] displays the history of your approved reviews. You can consult them at any time. Click on Team information Population Search for your colleague Click on the Magnifying glass >
5. Click on your colleague to highlight them in dark blue 6. They will then appear under “population” on the LHS of your screen Double click on them here to highlight them in blue – this creates another screen where you can access the pdf. files
Display the review by clicking on the eye icon. Download the review as a PDF by clicking on the Adobe PDF icon