A.V.Burdakov at al. Plasma transport in linear and helical multiple-mirror systems (EX/P5-26) Budker INP ( Novosibirsk, Russia) developed Gas-Dynamic Multiple-mirror Trap (GDMT) project. GDMT project includes sections with a multiple-mirror configuration for a confinement improvement. One of idea: Improving of multiple-mirror confinement in linear trap by plugs with helical magnetic field and rotating plasma. In this configuration confined forces appear. The first experiment to test new idea for multiple-mirror confinement of rotating plasma in helical magnetic field Concept exploration device SMOLA with a helical mirror started operation in the end of 2017 in BINP SMOLA Plasma parameters: density ~1019 m-3, temperature 2 – 5 eV and pulse duration 0.2 sec First experimental results are optimistic: Helical confinement works.