Welcome to the 2nd half of the school year!


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to the 2nd half of the 2017-2018 school year!

Rememinder… I am here to teach. You are here to learn. I will do my job and you need to do yours, and together we will utilize the rest of the year wisely and beneficially. A positive attitude is the key to success – only positive attitudes in this classroom.

Point Sheet

Procedures: Entering the Classroom Once in, Stay in.. Have your materials Enter the classroom quietly Go directly to your seat Get your materials out promptly Book bags under desks, not blocking any aisles Sharpen pencils or ask for a pencil at this time Begin recording the bellringer immediately Have practice work out, ready for checking Violation codes: b – not engaged / d – missing p/w

Procedures: During Instruction Pay attention! No pencil sharpening, talking, or moving about the classroom during instruction Do not leave your seat without raising your hand to get permission Ask permission to speak by raising your hand and waiting to be called on – no blurting anything out But do ask questions to ensure understanding Do not ask questions not related to my instruction Violation codes: a – being disruptive / b – not engaged / c – missing materials

Procedures: Getting Your Attention I will either count down from FIVE or raise my hand Stop what you’re doing Direct your attention on me Quietly, notify classmates who have not noticed me All attention on me, not doing so is considered disrespectful Violation codes: a – disruptive / b – not engaged

Procedures: While You Are Working Make sure you read or listen to the directions about your work Make sure you understand the directions You are expected to apply yourself and stay on task/engaged in the work assigned If you didn’t understand, quietly ask for help from other students sitting around you If you are asked to help, be polite and help Talking to each other should be no louder than a whisper … voice levels at a TWO Respect each other and be friendly Use your time wisely. Put forth your best effort to finish your work on time. Violation codes: a – disruptive / b – not engaged

Procedures: Dismissal Clean your area and place garbage in the trash Wait in your seat for the teacher to dismiss you Leave quietly after being given permission to do so Packing up early WILL result in point deductions Violation code: b – not engaged early

Classroom Rules No technology unless you get one-on-on approval from me. You WILL be written up if you are spotted on your phone. No food/drink allowed* No Profanity. Remember: School = Church Refrain from throwing objects, let’s keep this classroom safe for all. Do not deface desks or anything else in this room. *Medical wellness is the ONLY exceptions*

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