Particulate Matter Formation and Regulation Chapter 2 Particulate Matter Formation and Regulation
Particle Formation Mechanisms Physical attrition/mechanical dispersion Combustion particle burnout Homogeneous condensation Heterogeneous nucleation Droplet evaporation
Grinding Wheel
Tertiary Crusher
Combustion Process
Heterogeneous Nucleation
Summary of Formation Mechanisms
Sources of Particulate Matter Primary particulate matter Secondary particulate matter Condensation particles Reaction particles
Particulate Matter Size Range Definitions
Particulate Matter Regulation
Particulate Matter Regulation Before the Clean Air Act 1600s 1950s Clean Air Act Amendments of 1970 NAAQS SIPs NSPS
Summary of NAAQS for PM10 and PM2 Summary of NAAQS for PM10 and PM2.5 (2006 revision of the 24-hour standard) Pollutant Health-based Standard Type of Average Concentration PM10 Annual Arithmetic Mean 50 mg/m3 24-houra 150 mg/m3 PM2.5 15 mg/m3 b 24-hourc 35 mg/m3 a) not to be exceeded more than once per year on average over a three year period b) three-year average of the annual average c) determined from the 98th percentile, averaged over three years
Typical Ambient Particle Size Distribution
State Implementation Plans Fuel burning regulations Process weight regulations Opacity limitations
Plume Opacity
Where does it all come from?
Clean Air Act Amendments of 1977 Case-by-Case Permit Reviews PSD and BACT NSR and LAER
Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants Clean Air Act of 1970 Clean Air Act of 1990 189 hazardous pollutants NESHAPS vs NSPS/BACT/LAER MACT
Clean Air Act Amendments and Visibility Class I areas Regional Haze Rule BART Implementation plans 2007 10 year periodic plans
Title V Operating Permits What is Title V Title V and the public Title V requirements