Wirral Together Communities Forum 25 June 2019
Agenda Wirral Together Forum 25th June 2019 4:30pm Welcome & Introductions 4:40pm State of the Sector Work & Influence of the Sector 4:45pm Exercise 1 5:10pm Exercise 2 5:50pm Exercise 3 6:15pm CCG’s Transformation Bid 6:30pm Finish
State of the Sector Work & Influence of the Sector Community Action Wirral building a State of the Sector report to understand the value, size and impact of the sector to inform Statutory work around keeping the wealth within Wirral and broadening procurement opportunities to the sector locally. We would like to understand what influence the sector already has across the ‘system’ via forums, groups and individuals. We would like to work with you to better understand how Community Action Wirral can serve the sector with representation at the Wirral Partnership Board and Healthy Wirral Board and other strategic groups.
State of the Sector Work & Influence of the Sector Going to run three exercises at today’s forum Exercise 1 Will look at Spheres of Influence across Wirral that the sector already has and how it can be maximised. Exercise 2 What information would the sector like Community Action Wirral to take to the Partnership Board and the Health & Wellbeing Board. Exercise 3 How can we create meaningful and regular dialogue with the areas of influence?
Exercise 1 – Sphere’s of Influence
Exercise 2 – Information flow Understanding our sector In pairs, please discuss as many as possible: What can we celebrate? Issues we face? Gaps in the sector ? Anything else to add? In groups, agree your top two in each category to share with the room
Exercise 3 – Regular Dialogue across System Understanding how we will communicate. In pairs, please discuss the questions below and put your thoughts on the handout provided: (5 mins) How will Community Action Wirral bring back and share the information from the Boards? How will Community Action Wirral collect and share your views to the Boards? How can we help to facilitate sharing views within the sector and each other? In groups, agree your top two answers to share with the room (10 mins)
CCG Transformation Bid – Delivering a co-ordinated approach for Wirral’s 3 sector response to Neighbourhoods What will we achieve? Build System capability, confidence and competence to meet local population health & care needs within neighbourhoods across Wirral – through developing the 3rd sector’s leadership capacity and capabilities to deliver across the system. Using the Aligning Capabilities Model focus on building and shaping relationships across the Health & Care system through the development of behaviours and conversations that build trust and address conflict Integrated working and understanding across Wirral – weaving in wider determinants of neighbourhoods, across Business, other statutory sectors, Environment and Health.
CCG Transformation Bid – Aligning Capabilities Model
CCG Transformation Bid – Approach What are we going to do? Three elements to the Bid Leadership Development led by the sector and delivered across the system Using the Aligning Capabilities model & building on the PCN leadership Development sessions design & deliver a Leadership Programme that supports the development of neighbourhood working – increasing capabilities within the 3rd sector and increasing understanding across the system. Organisational Design & Influencing Building understanding and knowledge of the sector within the system and visa versa Sector contribution to collective impact of current 3rd sector services within neighbourhood/PCN’s footprint. Information Consensus Supporting Social prescribing by bringing together and facilitating a consensus for a Wirral Wide integrated service directory.
CCG Transformation Bid – Who is going to do what? Leadership Development led by the sector and delivered across the system Working group of 3rd sector colleagues, PCN involvement and CWP – leads for the Aligning Capabilities Model Organisational Design & Influencing Community Action Wirral staff building on the pilot work with neighbourhoods and PCN’s. Information Consensus Working with and bringing together: Public Health, NHS Foundation Community Trust, other 3rd sector organisations that deliver/hold information and directories and commissioners.
CCG Transformation Bid – When When are we going to do it all? Detailed timescales and work programme being developed. Working group for the Leadership Programme already met. Aiming to consult end of Summer, design during the Autumn and deliver over the Winter by end of March 2020. Design & Influencing will continue until March 2020. Information Consensus – workshops during the autumn with proposals by December 2019. Any Questions?
Wirral Together Communities Forum 25 June 2019