The Allies Turn the Tide Ch. 17 Sec. 3
Allies Turn to Total War Governments increase political power Factories started making war products Programs to ration food Raised money with War Bonds drives Production ended unemployment from depression Government limited rights of citizens, censored the press, used propaganda to win public support Women replaced men in the factories and helped in war efforts
Allies Forge Ahead 1942-1943 Turning point in the war Allies win victories on four fronts- Pacific, North Africa and Italy, Soviet Union, and France Pacific- Battle of Coral Sea- First set back for Japanese Enemy ships never even saw each other: battle fought by plane from aircraft carriers Continued wins at Battle of Midway Japan was unable to launch any more offensive attacks
Big Three Plot their Strategy “Big Three” (US, Britain, France) agreed to focus on finishing the war in Europe before ending the war in Asia Churchill and Roosevelt feared Stalin wanted to dominate Europe/ Stalin believed West wanted to end communism Nazi-Soviet Pact borders stood Churchill/Roosevelt would not open a second front against Germany to relieve Soviet Union troops
Allied Victory in North Africa British led by General Bernard Montgomery fought “Desert Fox” Rommel Nov. 1942: Battle of El Alamein- Allies halted Axis advances and drove them back to Libya and Tunisia May 1943, General Dwight Eisenhower advanced into Tunisia and forced Rommel to surrender
Allies Advance through Italy Allies from North crossed to Mediterranean into Italy American/ British troops landed first in Sicily and then southern Italy Defeated Italian forces within a month Italians overthrew Mussolini and signed armistice Hitler sent troops to aid northern Italy and rescue Mussolini Allies fought next 18 months to take the north- helped to weaken German army
Germans Defeated at Stalingrad German troops stalled outside Leningrad 1941 1942 Hitler launched new offensive- aimed for the rich oil fields of the south Only made it to Stalingrad One of the costliest battles of the war Hitler and Stalin both determined Nov. 1942: Soviets encircled their attackers and cutoff supply lines Jan. 1943: German commander surrendered By early 1944: Soviet troops advancing to East Europe
Allies Push Towards Germany June 6, 1944: D-Day Paratroopers dropped in night before At dawn, thousands crossed English Channel under fire towards Normandy Aug. Gen. Patten helped Brit./Amer. Troops break through German forces towards Paris Other Allied forces sailed in from Italy French resistance rose in Paris to help Aug. 25, 1944 Allied troops entered Paris Rest of France was free within a month
Allies Continue to Advance Allied forces entered Belgium as Germany launched a massive counterattack Battle of the Bulge- lasted more than a month Both sides took terrible losses Germans could not break through/ delayed the Allied advance from the West Soviet Union battled through Germany and advanced on Berlin from the East Hitler’s support was in decline By 1945 defeat of Germany seemed inevitable
Agreement at Yalta Feb. 1945: Big Three planned strategy in atmosphere of distrust Stalin wanted to maintain control of East to protect Soviet Union in the future Churchill/Roosevelt wanted self-determination of East Agreed: Soviet Union would enter war against Japan 3 months after fall of Germany- in return Stalin would keep possession of Southern Sakhalin Island, Kuril Islands, & part of Korea Germany would be divided into 4 zones- US/Fr/Br/SU- free elections in all zones