Lesson 9 Collaborate, Contrite, Emulate, Enhance, Evoke, Expatriate, Frowzy, Heinous, Impeccable, Impound, Inane, Magnanimous, Postulate, Sere, Unctuous
Collaborate V. to work with another toward a goal SYN: cooperate
Contrite Adj. feeling regret for having committed some wrongdoing SYN: repentant; remorseful ANT: shameless; unrepentant
Emulate V. to strive to be equal to; to imitate SYN: copy
Enhance V. to increase the value or beauty of something SYN: improve; heighten ANT: diminish; decrease
Evoke V. to summon forth SYN: conjure up; elicit
Expatriate N. someone who chooses to live outside of, or renounce, his or her native country
Frowzy Adj. unkempt SYN: slovenly ANT: tidy
Heinous Adj. hatefully or shockingly evil SYN: abhorrent; horrid
Impeccable Adj. faultless; without sin or blemish SYN: immaculate; faultless; irreproachable ANT: fallible; blameworthy
Impound V. to confine; to retain in legal custody SYN: confiscate ANT: release
Inane Adj. without sense or meaning; silly SYN: foolish; insipid ANT: significant; meaningful
Magnanimous Adj. noble; generous in forgiving; free from petty feelings or acts SYN: generous ANT: petty; mean
Postulate V. to assume or claim as true, especially when arguing SYN: presume; suppose
Sere Adj. dry and withered SYN: desiccated; arid ANT: lush
Unctuous Adj. exaggeratedly or insincerely polite SYN: oily ANT: genuine; sincere