TASK 2 Poland
Facts 1%of energy gained in Poland is from the sun produced by solar panels. 15% of renewable energy only by the year 2020 When a power plant is put on a certain amount of energy is agreed to be produced, if it is not produced within 48 months then the facility is put on auction. This is kind of unfair cause the non-renewable energy sources are easier to produce and therefore reach the agreed amount while renewable sources rely mainly on weather conditions.
Less taxes and restrictions on wind turbines In 2016 the taxes on wind turbines quadrupled A wind turbine has to be more than 2 km away from a house
Solar panels Poland have a lot of area that could be covered by solar panels
Biomass The fifth largest producer of biomass in the EU Lot of land to grow crops on. 35,5% of Poland is currently covered by fields.
The 2050 plan for Poland By 2020, 15% of the energy should come from renewable sources By 2025 all electricity produced in Poland should come from renewable sources. By 2050 most of the energy produced by Poland should come from either biomass, solar panels or dams.