Marine Environment and Water Industry Towards integrated, streamlined and harmonised data and information on the marine environment European Commission DG Environment Unit C.2 Marine Environment and Water Industry WG DIKE 7-8 October, Brussels
Context EU Directors agenda - Streamlining of reporting: Joint session Nature/Biodiversity & Water/Marine Directors in December 2013 Joint activity of DG ENV Directorates B & C ENV and EEA developments SIIF developments (UWWTD pilot) ENV/EEA meeting on 1 July MSFD reporting Decentralised reporting mechanisms MRAG/UNEP-WCMC/URS contract 2013 – Task 3 WISE-Marine Need to develop framework, scope, technical delivery
International Conventions Policy integration MSFD WFD BWD Habitats Birds CFP EQSD Nitrates UWWTD International Conventions
Policies State Pressures Policy application Air Water Species Seabed CO2 Quality Nutrients Oceanography Plankton Birds Mammals Reptiles Fish Physical seabed Hydrology Communities Birds Habitats WFD Policy application Policies MSFD EQSD UWWTD CFP EIA/SEA Nitrates CAP BWD Pressures Other Chemical Biological Physical Radionuclides Litter Energy, noise pH Hazardous substances Nutrient enrichment Species extraction Non-indigenous Microbial pathogens Loss Damage Hydrological change
Developing data & information systems to support policy Content Bring together into common framework Harmonised data across policies (DIKE TSG work) Processes Improve efficiency of data flows Gain agreements on content Agreements between policies (e.g. on timing) IT systems Web-based systems Dynamic reporting (pull systems) Integrated data from/for multiple policies User-friendly interfaces for interrogation
Sharing data between EU and RSCs Contracting Parties Regional Sea Conventions Convention obligations Similar objectives Similar data European Commission/ European Environment Agency Member States EU Directives RSCs
Progress data/information systems: RSCs EC/EEA CPs/MS
Project on EU-RSC systems To ensure compatibility of data/information flows for MS/CPs to RSCs and EC/EEA, where appropriate To support and improve data/information management systems within RSCs To develop a shared data/information system between RSCs and EU levels Phase 1 – start Dec. 2013 for 15 mths (subject to contract)
How Review data/information reported/held by RSCs and assess its contribution to MSFD needs (build upon current analyses) Review processes and systems for reporting, managing and accessing data/information within RSC Develop a common model for organising the data/information (DPSIR) –> WISE-Marine Define work plan/resource needs to develop a shared system Work in close cooperation with RSCs, EC/EEA and MS
Environmental impacts economic Socio- benefits Human Activities Pressures State of Environment Ecosystem Services Socio-economic Drivers Management (Policies & Governance) Measures Monitoring Ecosystem Environmental impacts service benefits
Pressures: framework per component Policy Objective Assessment of state Activities affecting GES Targets to achieve GES Measures MSFD GES – Descriptor + characteristics/ thresholds Criteria e.g. level of pressure Level of impact ->Status/ trend Based on: Data/ monitoring e.g. agriculture, fisheries, offshore developments Reduce impacts/ pressures by XXX On specific activities, spatial measures, etc. WFD Nitrates Directive Shellfish Directive Art. 10 Targets Art. 9 GES Art. 8 Assessment Art. 13 Measures Art. 11 Monitoring Art. 19.3 Access to data Art. 9 Decision
Integrated reporting , e.g. eutrophication Topic MSFD WFD Nitrates HELCOM OSPAR BarCon BlackSC EIONET Objective GEnS D5 GEcS No eutro Pressure input N P Pressure output Impacts Birds/ mammals/fish Water column Seabed Status Targets Measures Scope for streamlining & harmonisation (with regional specificities) Information system framework Common parameters/topics for assessment
Next steps Paper to outline forward process to EU Directors’ meeting, December, Lithuania Content analysis by topic (MRAG/UNEP-WCMC/URS contract) - 2013 Identify potential for streamlining and harmonisation Feed into DIKE TSG work on data flows Review & develop RSC data/information systems/flows – 2014/15 WISE-Marine development – phase 1 by 2014