European Criminal Law European Labour Law Workshop 27th March 2019 The concept of human dignity before ECtHR Prof. Pavel Bureš Palacký University of Olomouc
Workshop case-law Pretty v. UK , Ch. 29/07/2002 (Application no. 2346/02) Lambert v. France, GCh 05/06/2015 (Application no. 46043/14) Parrillo v. Italy, GCh 27/08/2015 (Application no. 46470/11) Bouyid v. Belgium, GCh 28/09/2015 (Application no. 23380/09) Dubská and Krejzová v. Czech republic, GCh 15/11/2016, (Applications nos. 28859/11 and 28473/12) Downolad case-law at HUDOC (judgments full-text, legal summaries/press releases)
EACH PRESENTATION 15-20MIN. MAX Workshop rules Students should be divided in 5 groups - 4-5 students per group Each group should read one ECtHR judgment (separate and dissident opinions included) Then, they should be able to present to their mates: 1) the factual background of the case; 2) if, where and how the concept of human dignity was used by the Court/ parties/ dissenting judges; 3) prepare for their mates one or two "tricky" questions with respect to the topic of the case - for example question related to human dignity concept which was not raised by the Court. EACH PRESENTATION 15-20MIN. MAX