LIQHYSMES: A novel hybrid energy storage option R.Gehring CERN/ERF/ESS Workshop – Energy for Sustainable Science at Research Infrastructures, October 29-30 2015, DESY Hamburg Introduction Former SMES activities @ KIT Motivation LIQHYSMES Summary Prof. Dr. Max Mustermann | Name of Faculty
Introduction Energy Storage: Lots of Power / Energy combinations Rainer Gehring
Introduction Energy Storage: Lots of Parameters to optimize I Rainer Gehring
Introduction Energy Storage: Lots of Parameters to optimize II Rainer Gehring
Former SMES Activities at KIT SMES operation principle SMES = Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage Power converter Stored Energy 𝐸= 1 2 𝐿 𝐼 𝐿 2 Transferred Power 𝑃= 𝑈 𝐿 𝐼 𝐿 SMES Energy density 𝐸 𝑚𝑎𝑥 𝑉 = 𝐵 2 2 µ 0 Storage unit Charging and discharging of the magnet done by the power converter Superconducting magnet required (eliminate resistive losses) Rainer Gehring
Former SMES Activities at KIT SMES Compensator Reduction of flicker by compensating the fluctuating demand Number of Coils 10 Operating Current 300 A Max. Current 430 A System Inductance 4.5 H Max. Field 4 T Voltage Drop 700 V Stored Energy @ 300 A 203kJ Stored Energy @ 430 A 416kJ Grid Power supply: Switched mode 5.4/8 kHz 80 kVA SMES side power supply: Switched mode 2kHz 320 kVA Field test with a solenoid coil Further Lab tests with a torus Rainer Gehring
Former SMES Activities at KIT Rainer Gehring
Former SMES Activities at KIT SMES Modulator Generation of high power pulses 25 MW SMES based Modulator 1.7 ms pulse length 10 Hz rate 4T/2600A, 7 kV 100 T/s Rainer Gehring
Former SMES Activities at KIT Rainer Gehring
Former SMES Activities at KIT Rainer Gehring
A SMES is “only” good for high power applications MOTIVATION A SMES is “only” good for high power applications Other storage options are “slow” but store large amounts of energy IDEA: Combine SMES with another storage system to cover a better Energy/Power-Range Our choice: Liquid Hydrogen with fuel cells or gas turbines LH2 serves also as coolant for the superconductor, no extra cooling costs Disadvantages of the separate systems minimized Rainer Gehring
LIQHYSMES Storage Unit LIQHYSMES Storage Unit LIQHYSMES I: Concept Electric Supply / Grid Energy Power Energy H2 Generation (electrolyser) LIQHYSMES Storage Unit SMES LH2-Storage H2-Liquefier LIQHYSMES Storage Unit SMES H2 to electrical (Gas turbine, fuel cell, combined heat & power plant) Patents: DE 10 2007 042 711 B4 2011.02.17 and DE 10 2011 013 577 B4 2013.02.28 Rainer Gehring
LIQHYSMES Storage Unit LIQHYSMES II LIQHYSMES Storage Unit Heat exchanger and recuperator can be optimized Rainer Gehring
Possible SMES Configurations LIGHYSMES III Possible SMES Configurations Solenoid Quadrupole Toroidal Rainer Gehring
Possible SMES Configurations LIQHYSMES IV Possible SMES Configurations 4T, 10 GJ @ 50 % Discharge ↔ 1.1 MW 600 s Solenoid Quadrupole Toroidal # Coils 1 4 20 Outer Radius Inner Radius Height of single coil 8.98 m 7.95 m 4.99 m 4.41 m 9.98 m 6.55 m 5.80 m 1.31 m Total Radius Total Height 12.47 m 18.0 m 13.1 m Heart Pacemaker Limit (Safety, 0.5 mT) Radial/Vertical 129 m 155 m 47 m 40 m 25 m 11 m Operating Current Density Conductor Length x Current 442 A/cm2 2.75 GAm 586 A/cm2 4.99 GAm 541 A/cm2 5.22 GAm Rainer Gehring
LIQHYSMES V: Some Design considerations Efficiency and losses improve with larger systems SMES needs to store enough energy to provide time for a smooth transition from Power- to Energy- supply Low cost superconductors are sufficient (MgB2) Rough cost estimate: 300 MW / 69 GWh with gas turbines: ~1900 €/kW ~8.25 €/kWh Compared to ~1200 €/kW ~73.5 €/kWh for a GH2 storage system (salt cavern) Very large systems might require on site manufacturing Rainer Gehring
LIQHYSMES Future options Electric Supply / Grid Energy Power Energy H2 Generation (electrolyser) LIQHYSMES Storage Unit SMES LH2-Storage H2-Liquefier H2/CH4 to electrical (Gas turbine, fuel cell, combined heat & power plant) CH4 Generation H2 / CH4 Supply / Grid Rainer Gehring
LIQHYSMES Future options II Add renewable Energy to the mix Local usage of H2 not required (H2 as fuel for cars) Large Scale Uniterruptible Power Supply Given an appropriate power conversion unit - ANY grid-relevant short-term disturbance could be buffered by the SMES Store cheap energy and use in peak hours Long term cost savings Rainer Gehring
Summary SMES provides fast & efficient short term (<15 min) electrical energy storage Hydrogen easily available (compared to Helium as coolant) LH2 provides a good longer term (min to days) energy storage With modular systems for H2electrical conversion (both directions) an operation close to the optimum can be achieved Even large storage systems are independent from geological formations (unlike pumped hydro or gas storage caverns) LIGHYSMES is flexible and versatile together with renewable Energy sources Rainer Gehring
Thank you for your attention Summary Thank you for your attention Further reading: LIQHYSMES - A Novel Energy Storage Concept for Variable Renewable Energy Sources Using Hydrogen and SMES, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, Vol. 21 No. 3, June 2011 LIQHYSMES - size, loss and cost considerations for the SMES – a conceptual analysis, Superconducting Science and Technology 24 (2011) 105008 (6pp) ( LIQHYSMES storage unit – Hybrid energy storage concept combining liquefied hydrogen with Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 37 (2012) 14300-14306 LIQHYSMES – A 48 GJ Toroidal MgB2-SMES for Buffering Minute and Second fluctuations, IEEE Transactions on applied Superconductivity, Vol. 23 No. 3, June 2013 LIQHYSMES – Liquid H2 and SMES for renewable energy applications, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 39 (2014) 12007-12017 Rainer Gehring