Persistent Catheter-induced Coronary Artery Spasm


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Presentation transcript:

Persistent Catheter-induced Coronary Artery Spasm James Cameron, M.B.B.S., Allan Murphy, M.B.B.S.  CHEST  Volume 83, Issue 4, (April 1983) DOI: 10.1378/chest.83.4.710a Copyright © 1983 The American College of Chest Physicians Terms and Conditions

Figure 1 Right coronary artery angiogram in the left anterior oblique projection following administration of sublingual nitroglycerin (0.6 mg). This demonstrates persistent severe proximal spasm. CHEST 1983 83, DOI: (10.1378/chest.83.4.710a) Copyright © 1983 The American College of Chest Physicians Terms and Conditions