FRAZZLED exhausted and in a very confused or irritable state SYN: weary, tired ANT: invigorated
SOLACE somebody or something that provides comfort at a time of sadness, grief, or disappointment SYN: relief ANT: aggravation
PERMEATE to enter something and spread throughout it, so that every part or aspect of it is affected SYN: flood, saturate ANT:
METICULOUS extremely careful and precise Syn: thorough, detailed Ant: careless
ASSIMILATE to integrate somebody into a larger group, so that differences are minimized or eliminated, or become integrated in this way SYN:
ADMONISH to rebuke somebody mildly but earnestly SYN: warn, chastise
RUEFULLY feeling, showing, or causing regret SYN: apologetic
LUMINOUS brightly illuminated, startlingly bright SYN: glowing, radiant, shining ANT: dull
INFLICT to be the cause of something harmful or unpleasant such as loss, injury, or damage to somebody or something
EMPATHY the ability to identify with and understand somebody else's feelings or difficulties SYN: sympathy and compassion