Mind trainer. With over 15 years of experience in Marketing The Managing Director Mr. Pradeep Aggarwal is an internationally recognised and certified Direct Selling and Mind trainer. With over 15 years of experience in Marketing he has provided consultation to many Direct Selling companies in India and abroad . With a team of over 20 lakh people across India. He created and guided people to high levels of success in the field of network marketing through dedication and effective training. His 36 year old professional career includes being an educator, hypnotist, NLP trainer, business-consultant, much-sought-after speaker, successful entrepreneur and a peak performance consultant to organizations, individuals and professional sports teams.
achievable ensuring long term sustainability. Immunorich is a company managed by a professional management team with over 100 man years of experience in training and direct selling and a contact base with over 3 Million consumers in India apart from a wide reach with quality manufacturers across the globe. We believe in promoting achievable and realistic dreams and products that have proven efficacy. Immunorich’s business plans are simple, realistic and achievable ensuring long term sustainability. * All images used in this presentation are imaginary representation , Actual may vary.
Highly Rewarding Career Qualitative Management Affordable Powerful and Effective Products Unparalleled Potential
IMMUNORICH W E A L T H T H R O U G H W E L L N E S S Register with a minimum purchase of 20 Nutripoints and Become an Associate. Raise a one time purchase order of 100 Nutripoints and become an Executive…
Customer First Purchase Commission Direct Retail Margin Volume Match Bonus Volume Match Incentive Generation Compression Income Executive Holiday Allowance Executive Car Allowance Executive Home Allowance Executive Royalty Bonus Executive Upgrade Incentive
1. Customer First Purchase Commission Products + Free Products First Purchase Nutri Points Direct Commission 1200 MRP ( 20 points ) + 600 MRP free 1200/- 20 250/- 2400 MRP ( 40 points ) + 1200/- MRP free 2400/- 40 500/- 3600 MRP ( 60 points ) + 1800/- MRP free 3600/- 60 700/- 4800 MRP ( 80 points ) + 2400/- MRP free 4800/- 80 900/- 6000 MRP ( 100 points ) + 3000/- MRP free 6000/- 100 *Pay-outs are done on a weekly basis Directly into your Bank Account
50%On Distributor Price. 2. Direct Retail Margin Ex: Slim Tea Plus: MRP 1200/- DP: 800/- Retail Margin 400/-
3. Volume Match Bonus Weekly Earning Potential • Associates: 50,000/- • Executives: 5,00,000/- Associate – All individual who purchase products of min 20 Nutri Points. Executive – All associates who purchase products of 100 Nutri Points. FOR EVERY 20 NUTRI POINTS MATCHING VOLUME Earn 120 INR
3. Volume Match Bonus (Illustration) 10000 Nutri-points 5000 Nutria-points Left Team Right Team Matching Volume is 5000 NP Your pay-out is 30000/- Balance 5000 NP in your left team is Carried forward
TDS, Trimming and weekly capping apply as per company rules First Purchase Volume Matching Bonus (Illustration only….) Everyone introduce two persons (With in 7 Days) Weeks Executives Nutri Points Earning 1 2 100 600 4 200 1200 3 8 400 2400 16 800 4800 5 32 1600 9600 6 64 3200 19200 7 128 6400 38400 256 12800 76800 9 512 25600 153600 10 1024 51200 307200 11 2048 102400 614400 12 4096 204800 1228800 8190 409500 2457000 All Pay-outs are done on a weekly basis Directly into your Bank Account TDS, Trimming and weekly capping apply as per company rules
4. Volume Match Incentives 100 Nutri-points Matching Volume in 10 Days Watch
4. Volume Match Incentives 500 Nutri-points Matching Volume in 20 Days
4. Volume Match Incentives 2500 Nutri-points Matching Volume in 30 Days
4. Volume Match Incentives 7500 Nutri-points Matching Volume in 45 Days
4. Volume Match Incentives 17500 Nutri-points Matching Volume in 60 Days
4. Volume Match Incentives 37500 Nutri-points Matching Volume in 90 Days
4. Volume Match Incentives 90000 Nutri-points Matching Volume in 150 Days MAC AIR BOOK
4. Volume Match Incentives 200,000 Nutri-points Matching Volume in 240 Days 100000 DOWN PAYMENT FOR A CAR OF YOUR CHOICE
4. Volume Match Incentives 700,000 Nutri-points Matching Volume in 365 Days 500,000 WORTH GOLD
5.Generation Compression Income Generation Level %age Generation 1 ( Self –repurchase) 5 Generation 2 7 Generation 3 4 Generation 4 3 Generation 5 2 Generation 6 Generation 7 Generation 8 Generation 9 1 Generation 10 Generation 11 onwards up to Generation 20 @ .5 % All Generation are paid out monthly and subjective to dynamic compression EVEN FROM A SINGLE LINE
5. Generation Compression Incentive (Illustration) Team Nutri Points Percentage Earning 1 20 5 40 2 3 60 7 168 9 180 4 288 27 540 648 81 1620 1296 6 243 4860 3888 729 14580 11664 8 2187 43740 34992 6561 131220 52488 10 19683 393660 157464 11 59049 1180980 0.5 236196 12 177147 3542940 708588 1207720 Minimum Purchase to be eligible for this incentive is 20 NP (approx 800) As 1 Nutri Point is equal to Rs 40 All Generation are paid out monthly and subject to dynamic compression up to 20 level
6. Executive Holiday Allowance From the Company’s Global Turnover from re-purchase 4% 2500 Nutripoints in a calendar month with a max-up of 1250 from one team. Company distributes from re-purchase turnover to the distributors who qualify in the respective month only.
7. Executive Car Allowance 3% From the Company’s Global Turnover from re-purchase 7500 Nutripoints in a calendar month with a max-up of 3,750 NP from one team. Upto a Max of 60,000 Per month. Company distributes from re-purchase turnover to the distributors who qualify in the respective month only.
8. Executive House Allowance From the Company’s Global Turnover from re- purchase 2% *12500 Nutripoints in a calendar month with a max-up of 6,250 from one team. Upto a Max of 80,000 Per month. * Company distributes from re-purchase turnover to the distributors who qualify in the respective month only.
9. Executive Royalty Allowance From the Company’s Global Turnover from re- purchase 2% *25000 Nutripoints in a calendar month with a max-up of 12,500 from one Team *Company distributes from re-purchase turnover to the distributors who qualify in the respective month only.
10. Executive Upgrade Incentive You can upgrade to an Executive and increase your weekly capping from Rs.50,000 to Rs.5,00,000/- per week within 30 days by re-purchasing the balance 80 nutri- points worth products and become eligible for Travel/Car/House and Royalty Fund.
Rank Achievements
the ‘I‘ in ILLNESS with WE Lets together replace the ‘I‘ in ILLNESS with WE And bring in WELLNESS