A Beam telescope for the EMC testbeam Update on procurement: SSD, 8 available, FERMI sensors, single sided detectors, 10x10 cm^2, 50 micron strips, 225 micron pitch, 384 strips per wafer, 400 micron silicon thickness. PCB with read-out chips (TAA1 from Ideas). We have the drawings, and a company that makes them. We are in the process of ordering enough PCB’s for our purposes. Bonding of chips and PCBs to detectors to be done at MIPOT (company in TS, already assembled the AGILE detectors). They have a test setup ready for us. Repeater boards. Have drawing and company that makes the board. Need to populate them. Component procurements. Need to place order. Mechanics. Have G-10 material and drawings, company. Need to plave order. Read-out via standard VME, VME 2718 Controller from CAEN and VME 8010 Caen Crate. ADC’s are custom made on a VME board. Possibly ready by (end of) February for cosmic rays test.