IGF1R is present in endometrial luminal epithelium at the receptive phase. IGF1R is present in endometrial luminal epithelium at the receptive phase. Endometrial biopsies obtained from different stages of the menstrual cycle were stained for IGF1R. Mouse IgG was included as a negative control in adjacent sections. IGF1R is expressed in the endometrium throughout the menstrual cycle but appears to be primarily localized to the endometrial epithelium (arrows) in the mid-late secretory stages, the former representing the time of optimal endometrial receptivity. Insets in A and E show luminal epithelium at higher magnification. Each image is representative of at least three tissue samples. Scale bar: 75 µm. Insets are 75 µm across. Youn-Jung Kang et al. J Cell Sci 2015;128:804-814 © 2015. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd