MACROES Avancée du projet : déliverables Objectif Faire un état des lieux des délivrables accomplis, des retards et de ce qui est à venir dans l'annéeMéthode.


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Presentation transcript:

MACROES Avancée du projet : déliverables Objectif Faire un état des lieux des délivrables accomplis, des retards et de ce qui est à venir dans l'annéeMéthode Brute force par ordre :)

WP1 : Databases 1.1) Month 6: a metadata catalog to describe and search existing databases (fait) 1.2.1) Month 18: Complete databases (en cours) 1.2.2) Month 24: a pre-service allowing to serve the gridded data to users in binary format ) Month 36: A gridded data and spatial information server

WP2 : Methodology in ecosystems Month 12: Adopt the DEB formalism for phytoplankton in PISCES. Month 12 (modifié, fait) Month 18: Adopt the DEB formalism for the whole PISCES ecosystem model (phytoplankton and zooplankton) (modifié, fait) Month 12: new DEB-based parametrization of biodiversity in APECOSM at the community level (fait) Month 15: new diagnostic metric characterizing functional biodiversity in communities outputted from APECOSM (?) Month 24: extended structure of APECOSM distinguishing jellies, squids, fish and crustaceans communities in each of the 3 generic APECOSM communities (en cours ?) Month 9: Quantitative estimation of the physiological and behavioural parameters associated to vertical distributions of the three generic APECOSM communities using acoustic data (en cours, fait) Month 9: Inclusion of tag-recapture data into the likelihood approach used for estimating the parameters of the focus species component of APECOSM (en cours ?) Month 18: Validation of the generic communities of APECOSM using acoustic data, stomach content of predators and scientific trawling (?) Month 18: Quantitative estimation of the APECOSM parameters for the four following tuna species: yellowfin, bigeye, skipjack, albacore using fisheries and catch-recapture data in the Indian Ocean.(Fait pour certaines espèces) Month 24: Validation of the APECOSM outputs for tunas against the fisheries data in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans (Abandonné dans le Pacifique, Atlantique ?)

WP2 : Methodology in ecosystems Month 18: Mechanistic mathematical description of schooling/swarming (en cours) Month 30: Mechanistically derived functional response in APECOSM including the implication of aggregative behaviour (première param très simple, A faire)

WP3 : Methodology in economics 3.1. Month 18: Demand analysis of global tuna markets (fait) 3.2. Month 24: Effort dynamics model (Fait pour l'indien, en cours pour le reste ?) Month 12: A prototype of a model of the network interconnecting worldwide tunas stocks, specialized fleets and tuna markets (fait) Month 24: The calibrated model of the network interconnecting worldwide tunas stocks, specialized fleets and tuna markets, available for simulations on Internet as a Java Applet (fait)

WP4 : Climate change and ocean acidification Month 12: Offline simulations over with IPSL-CM-PISCES-APECOSM (fait) Month 18: Analysis of the impact of CC and OA on marine ecosystems (fait) Month 24: Comparison of Offline and Online simulations over : importance of top-down control (A faire) Month 36: Comparison of simulations with / without biophysical coupling over : Importance of biophysical feedback (heat trapping / bio-induced turbulence) (en cours) Month 42: Offline Simulations over with IPSL-CM-PISCES-APECOSM- biodiversity (Abandonné ?) Month 48: Analysis of the impact of CC and OA on biodiversity (Abandonné ?)

WP5 : Marine resources exploitation and governance 5.1 Month 36: Quantitative assessment of the respective effects of climate variability and fishing on tuna populations and community dynamics (Bloqué) Month 40: Quantitative analysis of the impacts of fisheries on the functional diversity (Bloqué) Month 46: Quantitative analysis of the potential impacts of fisheries on shifts in community structure (Bloqué) 5.3. Month 48: Quantitative analysis of global scale fleet distribution, targeting strategies and market configuration for different modes of climate variability (Bloqué) Month 18: Trends in the evolution of the international law of the sea (Fait) Month 18, 36: Trends in the evolution of law of fisheries (Fait) Month 18: Trends in the evolution of the economic law and of the law of sustainable development of marine resources (Fait)

WP6 : Global integrated dynamics Month 48: Combined scenario(s) of climate change / ocean acidification / fisheries – Simulations over (Faisable ?) Month 24: Quantification of biogeochemical and biological entropy production in the PISCES and APECOSM models (Abandonné) Month 36: Impact of different environmental conditions on entropy production at both species and ecosystem levels, regionalization of entropy production (Abandonné) Month 30: A list of indicators will be proposed by the participants of the project (Fait) Month 42: The indicators will be made available to the general audience through a web portal (A faire)