CD8α+, CD8α−, and MoDCs from NOD.hCD205 mice express hCD205. CD8α+, CD8α−, and MoDCs from NOD.hCD205 mice express hCD205. (A) Expression of hCD205 by splenocytes from C57BL/6 and NOD mice with and without hCD205 (three female mice per group; 15–19 wk old) was analyzed by flow cytometry. (B) hCD205 expression by splenic CD8α+, CD8α−, and MoDCs from C57BL6 (white) and NOD (black) hCD205-transgenic mice. Graph depicts mean MFI + SEM; p values are indicated (t test). Mono, monocytes. Jennifer Schloss et al. ImmunoHorizons 2019;3:236-253 Copyright © 2019 The Authors