These things are fun and fun is good. ~ Dr. Suess CLASSROOM NEWSLETTER Week of April 15-19 WE WILL BE WORKING ON: Reading: Students will be gathering information about their researching topic and using their strategies to find facts about their research. Phonics: Er, est, ful, un Writing: Students will write a research paper with supporting details. Math: Students will identify cold, cool, warm, and hot Students will practice subtracting half of a double Students will identify events as certain, likely, or impossible Students will complete Easter Day activities Science: Students will grow a lima bean plant and record their growth. Social Studies: Students will start completing Easter Activities ~Special Notes~ Spelling words: Students will not have a spelling test this week. Sentence of the week: Students will not have a sentence of the week HFW: Students will review HFW Comprehension story: Students will not have a comprehension or fluency story. Please bring $10 dollars for Field Trip! Please remember to fill out the parent survey! We would love your feedback! DON’T FORGET! April 18- First grade program @ 9:00am & 6:00pm 18- Easter Egg Hunt & Party 1-2 pm 19 & 22- Weather Day (no school) 26- Parent Survey Due May 3rd- Field Trip Money Due $10.00 Ms. Ellis & Mrs. Edwards class Learning begins here at Justiss! These things are fun and fun is good. ~ Dr. Suess Contact Information! Conference time 3:00-3:30 Phone: (903) 737-7458 (Math/Science/Social Studies) (ELAR/ Writing)