Status of PRT-INFN the PRT-INFN group Perugia, 20-21 February 2017.


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Presentation transcript:

Status of PRT-INFN the PRT-INFN group Perugia, 20-21 February 2017

Outline Summary of: Data analysis Results of the 1st test @ n_TOF Calibration with g-ray sources @ n_TOF Test with 62-MeV protons @ LNS Data analysis New GEANT4 simulation Analysis procedure Tentative flux Cristian Massimi

Response to g flash g flash @ n_TOF Typical signal 100 MeV ~ 820 ns (after g flash) Det. 1 5 mm 1 GeV ~ 87 ns Rise time ~ 2-3 ns FWHM ~ 8 ns g flash 1 GeV 500 MeV (200 ns) Cristian Massimi

Response to g flash g flash @ n_TOF Typical signal 100 MeV ~ 820 ns (after g flash) Det. 1 5 mm 1 GeV ~ 87 ns Rise time ~ 2-3 ns FWHM ~ 8 ns g flash 500 MeV (200 ns) 100 MeV Cristian Massimi

@ n_TOF Linearity Area Vs Amplitude Amplitude Area

PRT coincidences C2H4 20° 3 cm 6 cm 6 cm y=DE1 y=DE3 x=DE2 x=DE4 @ n_TOF PRT coincidences C2H4 20° protons neutrons 3 cm 6 cm 6 cm y=DE1 y=DE3 x=DE2 x=DE4 Cristian Massimi

PRT coincidences C2H4 30° 3 cm 6 cm 6 cm y=DE1 y=DE3 x=DE2 x=DE4 @ n_TOF PRT coincidences C2H4 neutrons 30° protons 3 cm 6 cm 6 cm y=DE1 y=DE3 x=DE2 x=DE4 Cristian Massimi

Calibration 1 Cs, Y, AmBe Scintillator 1 channels g-ray sources @ n_TOF Calibration 1 Scintillator 1 Cs, Y, AmBe 0.5 cm g-ray sources channels Energy, MeV Cristian Massimi

Calibration 1 Cs, Y, AmBe Scintillator 2 channels g-ray sources @ n_TOF Calibration 1 Scintillator 2 Cs, Y, AmBe 3.0 cm g-ray sources channels Energy, MeV Cristian Massimi

Calibration 1 Cs, Y, AmBe Scintillator 3 channels g-ray sources @ n_TOF Calibration 1 Scintillator 3 Cs, Y, AmBe 6.0 cm g-ray sources channels Energy, MeV Cristian Massimi

Calibration 1 Cs, Y, AmBe Scintillator 4 channels g-ray sources @ n_TOF Calibration 1 Scintillator 4 Cs, Y, AmBe 6.0 cm g-ray sources channels Energy, MeV Cristian Massimi

Calibration 1 Scintillator 4 channels Data g-ray sources MC @ n_TOF 6.0 cm Scintillator 4 g-ray sources Data MC channels Energy, MeV Cristian Massimi

With aluminum degrader 5, 8, 10 mm @ LNS Calibration 2 Scintillator 1 0.5 cm channels PROTONS Energy, MeV LNS cyclotron Ep= 62 MeV With aluminum degrader 5, 8, 10 mm  EP = 50, 42, 36, MeV ΔE / E Energy, MeV Cristian Massimi

With aluminum degrader 5, 8, 10 mm @ LNS Calibration 2 Scintillator 2 3.0 cm channels PROTONS Energy, MeV LNS cyclotron Ep= 62 MeV With aluminum degrader 5, 8, 10 mm  EP = 50, 42, 36, MeV ΔE / E Energy, MeV Cristian Massimi

With aluminum degrader 5, 8, 10 mm @ LNS Calibration 2 Scintillator 3 6.0 cm channels PROTONS Energy, MeV LNS cyclotron Ep= 62 MeV With aluminum degrader 5, 8, 10 mm  EP = 50, 42, 36, MeV ΔE / E Energy, MeV Cristian Massimi

With aluminum degrader 5, 8, 10 mm @ LNS Calibration 2 Scintillator 4 6.0 cm channels PROTONS Energy, MeV LNS cyclotron Ep= 62 MeV With aluminum degrader 5, 8, 10 mm  EP = 50, 42, 36, MeV ΔE / E Energy, MeV Cristian Massimi

Resolution Cristian Massimi

Resolution Cristian Massimi

Different impact PMT SCIN 50-MeV Protons @ LNS Cristian Massimi

Analysis Cristian Massimi

GEANT 4 simulation 10-mm Polyethylene En = 80 MeV Sci1 + Sci2 ΔE -ΔE + resolution + coincidences + resolution + coincidences Cristian Massimi

GEANT 4 simulation 5-mm Carbon En = 80 MeV Sci1 + Sci2 ΔE -ΔE ΔE -E + resolution + coincidences + resolution + coincidences Cristian Massimi

GEANT 4 simulation Hydrogen En = 80 MeV Sci1 + Sci2 ΔE -ΔE ΔE -E + resolution + coincidences + resolution + coincidences Cristian Massimi

GEANT 4 simulation 10-mm Polyethylene En = 80 MeV Sci1 + Sci2 ΔE -ΔE + resolution + coincidences + resolution + coincidences Cristian Massimi

GEANT 4 simulation 2-mm Polyethylene En = 80 MeV Sci1 + Sci2 ΔE -ΔE + resolution + coincidences + resolution + coincidences Cristian Massimi

GEANT 4 simulation En = 600 MeV 10-mm Poly Sci3 + Sci4 ΔE -E ΔE -ΔE + resolution + coincidences + resolution + coincidences Cristian Massimi

GEANT 4 simulation En = 600 MeV 5-mm C Sci3 + Sci4 ΔE -E ΔE -ΔE + resolution + coincidences + resolution + coincidences Cristian Massimi

GEANT 4 simulation En = 600 MeV Hydrogen Sci3 + Sci4 ΔE -E ΔE -ΔE + resolution + coincidences + resolution + coincidences Cristian Massimi

GEANT 4 simulation En = 80 MeV poly Cristian Massimi

Analysis En=40 MeV 2-mm Polyethylene GEANT4 Data MC y=DE1 Data Data MC x=DE2 Cristian Massimi

Analysis En=60 MeV 2-mm Polyethylene GEANT4 Data MC Data Data MC Cristian Massimi

Analysis En=80 MeV 2-mm Polyethylene GEANT4 Data MC Data Data MC Cristian Massimi

Analysis 2-mm Polyethylene GEANT4 Data MC y=DE2 Data Data MC x=DE3 En=100 MeV 2-mm Polyethylene GEANT4 Data MC y=DE2 Data Data MC x=DE3 Cristian Massimi

Analysis 2-mm Polyethylene GEANT4 Data MC y=DE2 Data Data MC x=DE3 En=120 MeV 2-mm Polyethylene GEANT4 Data MC y=DE2 Data Data MC x=DE3 Cristian Massimi

Analysis 2-mm Polyethylene GEANT4 Data MC y=DE2 Data Data MC x=DE3 En=150 MeV 2-mm Polyethylene GEANT4 Data MC y=DE2 Data MC Data x=DE3 Cristian Massimi

Analysis 2-mm Polyethylene GEANT4 Data MC y=DE3 Data Data MC x=DE4 En=200 MeV 2-mm Polyethylene GEANT4 Data MC y=DE3 Data MC Data x=DE4 Cristian Massimi

Analysis 2-mm Polyethylene GEANT4 Data MC y=DE3 Data Data MC x=DE4 En=250 MeV 2-mm Polyethylene GEANT4 Data MC y=DE3 Data MC Data x=DE4 Cristian Massimi

Analysis En=40 MeV 10-mm Polyethylene GEANT4 Data MC y=DE1 Data Data x=DE2 Cristian Massimi

Analysis En=60 MeV 10-mm Polyethylene GEANT4 Data MC Data Data MC Cristian Massimi

Analysis En=80 MeV 10-mm Polyethylene GEANT4 Data MC Data Data MC Cristian Massimi

Analysis 10-mm Polyethylene GEANT4 Data MC y=DE2 Data Data MC x=DE3 En=100 MeV 10-mm Polyethylene GEANT4 Data MC y=DE2 Data Data MC x=DE3 Cristian Massimi

Analysis 10-mm Polyethylene GEANT4 Data MC y=DE2 Data Data MC x=DE3 En=120 MeV 10-mm Polyethylene GEANT4 Data MC y=DE2 Data Data MC x=DE3 Cristian Massimi

Analysis 10-mm Polyethylene GEANT4 Data MC y=DE2 Data Data MC x=DE3 En=150 MeV 10-mm Polyethylene GEANT4 Data MC y=DE2 Data MC Data x=DE3 Cristian Massimi

Analysis 10-mm Polyethylene Data MC GEANT4 y=DE3 Data x=DE4 En=200 MeV Cristian Massimi

Analysis 10-mm Polyethylene GEANT4 Data MC y=DE3 Data x=DE4 En=250 MeV Cristian Massimi

Analysis 10-mm Polyethylene GEANT4 Data MC y=DE3 Data x=DE4 En=300 MeV Cristian Massimi

Analysis 10-mm Polyethylene GEANT4 Data MC y=DE3 Data x=DE4 En=400 MeV Cristian Massimi

Analysis 10-mm Polyethylene GEANT4 Data MC y=DE3 Data x=DE4 En=500 MeV Cristian Massimi

TEST - FLUX Cristian Massimi

Conclusions Summary of the first test Towards the second test We start to see the light Towards the second test Need for Silicon detectors (En<40 MeV) Improve response of the 1st scintillator Improve structure of the PRT (θ=20°) Cristian Massimi

Backup n+12C a p d t Reaction Products Q-value MeV Threshold 9Be + a -5.7 6.2 n + 3a -7.3 7.9 … 12B + p -12.6 13.6 11B + n + p -16.0 17.3 ... 11B + d -13.7 14.9 10B + t -19.0 20.5 a p d t Cristian Massimi

Backup 12C DOI: 10.1093/rpd/ncq166 Cristian Massimi