CS/ECE Transition Agreement Draft 1 14 Aug 06
Transition Plan – Now to 1 Sep 06 This plan is recommended by the CS/ECE Transition Committee (Profs. Beyette, Bhatnagar, Minai, Paul, and Carter) and describes the organizational objectives, tasks, and agreements within which both the CS and ECE departments will follow both in constructing their departments out of the existing ECECS department, and in the operation of both departments after they are constructed. By 1 Sep 06 (or when CS/ECE Departments officially exist) This transition plan shall be approved by the CS and ECE planning committees. Faculty shall join the unique department of his/her choice. Interim Head for CS department shall be known and in place. By 1 Oct 06 A RPT committee shall be elected and operational for each department.
Transition Plan – 1 Sep 06 to 1 Jul 07 After 1 Sep 06 but not later than 1 Jul 07 To enable sufficient time to create effective department organizations, both of the new departments agree to initially use existing ECECS committees, staff support, teaching assignments, TA assignment process (in consultation with CS)1, curricula, and graduate thrust groups until each department has decided how to implement these elements and processes specific to their department. For 2006 admissions, both graduate programs shall adhere to the ECECS graduate handbook (with the names of both the departments on its cover). Consequently, The present structure of DQE will be followed for Spring 2007, Fall 2007, and Spring 2008(Retake) exams. Students being admitted in Fall 2006 may choose research advisors from either the CS or ECE department. 1 Suggested by Jerry Paul, 14 Aug.
Transition Plan – After 1 Jul 07 After 1 Jul 07 (or as implemented by each department before 1 Jul 07) Each department will independently administer its own CSE PhD track, including curriculum decisions, admissions and DQE The CS and CE graduate curriculum committees and graduate councils will each have a member from the other department, appointed by the department chair in consultation with the chair of the host committee. The goal is to ensure that the decisions made by the committees are mutually transparent and consistent. While each department will set its own DQE, the tests for common areas (operating systems, languages & compilers, databases, intelligent systems, networks, etc.) will be coordinated informally by the relevant faculty to ensure consistency. Both CS and CE faculty will have access to the full pool of applicants to the graduate programs of either department. After a student has joined one of the departments then he/she can choose advisors only from among the faculty that are primary to that department or have joint appointments in that department.
Transition Plan – After 1 Jul 07 (cont.) ECE and CS faculty can obtain a joint appointment in the other department with the consent of the host department’s faculty. A joint appointment will entitle a faculty member to: 1) Advise students in the host department; 2) Serve on MS/PhD committees as an internal rather than external member; and 3) Teach classes in the host department with the consent of both department heads. It will also obligate the faculty member to contribute to the host department’s goals within reasonable limits. Jointly-appointed faculty members will be included in the regular faculty lists for the host department to ensure their visibility to applicants and graduate students. ECE and CS graduate courses will be open to students from the other department, and each department will allow the other to list any of its courses as part of its graduate curriculum. In order to insure core subject coverage, a limited number of undergraduate courses should be cross-listed. These courses will be identified and submitted for approval. Electives can be listed by individual departments, and students should be allowed to select these electives from either department.1 1 Suggested by Jerry Paul, 14 Aug.