Application of Technology at the Tertiary Level ESL classrooms: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CREATIVE TEACHING, ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE (ICCTAR 2019) Application of Technology at the Tertiary Level ESL classrooms: An Investigation at the University of Jaffna. Ms. Luxika Raguram, Department of English Language Teaching, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka. Mail ID:
Introduction “Technology and English language learning are related to each other. ” –Singhal,1997 In the current world everyone, from laymen to scholars use technology in day-to-day life, due to necessity and interest. Computers, mobile devices, internet and social media enable ESL learners to get familiarized with English.
Cont… Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) Technology contributes in improving all the four skills of learners
Investigation Area Location of the study: University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka Subject : 46 first year undergraduates- Faculty of Management Studies & Commerce. (26 Female & 20 male students) Level : Tertiary level Age Group : 21-25 years Current Proficiency Level: UTEL benchmark 5 Duration : One semester
Background of the Study Jaffna University students are concerned in learning only the grammar of L2 in a product oriented manner in order to pass the ESL examination. As grammar is their main concern, grammatical accuracy in their L2 writing seems to be at a satisfactory level. (Canagarajah, 1993)
Background of the Study Cont... L2 Learners in the present context, according to the response to the questionnaire given to them, seem to have strong positive attitude towards learning English as a second language. However, in contradiction to the situation in 1993, present teachers at the University of Jaffna observe a high percentage of grammatical inaccuracy in the students' L2 writing. (Sivaji, 2011)
Background of the Study Cont... In Jaffna, the use of English in the family and friendship domains has been limited to the English educated elite from the British rule. One rarely observes English being used in these spheres by the rural communities, whether agricultural and fishing groups or sub groups. In the total Jaffna English speech community, a small minority of the people use English for all Communicative purposes. (Saravanapava Iyer, 2001)
Objective of the Research To investigate the effectiveness of using technology at the tertiary level ESL classrooms, at the University of Jaffna.
Research Methods & Design Mixed method of qualitative and quantitative methodology was applied to investigate the real situation. Data collecting instruments: Questionnaires Classroom observation Learners’ feedback report Regular classroom assessment Intervention Programme Semi-structured interviews Pre-test & Post-test
Research Process 1-7 weeks - traditional classroom learning 8-14 weeks – Technology assisted learning Mobile phones used Notes and tasks sent through Viber group. Google classrooms used for listening and reading tasks
Cont… Listening: Reading : Speaking: Writing: Computers, CD players, tape recorders Reading : Multimedia software, computer reading based programme, electronic dictionaries Speaking: Internet voice chat Writing: Text messages, emails, autocorrecting software
Analysis of Students’ Feedback Report Student A: I am very much interest(ed) in learning English through technology. (23 other similar responses) Student B: My study time increased after I started using mobile phone to learn English. (17 similar responses) Student C Earlier I used Tamil to chat (with) my friends. But now I use English. (11 similar responses)
Cont… Student D: I just bought a smart phone. So no touch. Difficult. (As I am not familiar with it, I find it difficult) (8 similar responses) Student E: I would use social media or listen to songs when I take phone to study. Distraction is a problem for me. (12 similar responses)
Some Responses in the Interview Student F: I don’t forget to do homework, because my friends are active in English viber group and discuss the questions and answers. So I am motivated. (19 similar responses) Student G: Now I concentrate on English words and sentences while seeing facebook posts and memes. (16 similar responses)
Responses in the Questionnaire 84% students use technology in their daily life. 88% students believe that technology will improve their vocabulary 55% students believe that technology will improve their listening skill. 90% students say technology will help them learn English faster 49% students started self learning using internet.
Pretest – Posttest Marks No. of Students Marks Range
Research Findings Increased interest level of the learners in learning English Increased learning time Active participation in activities Increased motivation Improvement in receptive and productive skills
Constraints in Applying Technology Inadequate physical resources to implement appropriate classroom activities Varied proficiency level of learners Lack of technical knowledge Distraction of students Large number of students in a group
Suggestions ELT practitioners can use technology to improve the language skills of learners. Learners should be guided to perceive technology as a means of learning English. Educational institutions should modernize the physical and technical resources in order to facilitate the teaching, learning process.
Conclusion Although considerable constraints were identified, the method found to be effective to our context. Thus, learners can be motivated and the learning outcome can be maximized through the appropriate use of technology in ESL classrooms
References Canagarajah, A.S. (1993) Critical Ethnography of Sri Lankans Classroom: Ambiguities in Student Opposition to Reproduction through ESOL. TESOL Quarterly 27/4 (1993: 601-606) Saravanapava Iyer, M. (2001). Status, Features and Functions of English in Sri Lanka Jaffna Tamil Society. University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka. M.Phil. Dissertation. Singh A.P. & Pandey P.S. New Trends in Education. New Delhi: APH publishing Corporation. Sivaji Karunathevy, (2011). A Study of the Impact of Direct and Indirect Error Correction on Undergraduate Writing at the Faculty of Arts, University of Jaffna. Scholar's Press: Germany.
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