Compromises on Slavery in the Western Territories Missouri Compromise 1820 Compromise of 1850 Kansas-Nebraska Act 1854
Missouri Compromise 1820 Proposed by Henry Clay Kept the number of free states & slave states equal Missouri enters the Union as a slave state Maine enters the Union as a free state Drew a line @ 36* 30’ across the West as the boundary for slavery
Wilmot Proviso David Wilmot David Wilmot (a Congressman from Pennsylvania) called for this law A proposed law to ban slavery in any lands won from Mexico. Southerners opposed it because they said that Congress had no right to ban slavery in the territories. In 1846, the House of Representatives passed this bill, but the Senate defeated it. He proposed this law because northerners feared the South would extend slavery into the West.
Compromise of 1850 Proposed by Henry Clay California entered the Union as a free state The rest of the Mexican Cession was divided into the territories of Utah & New Mexico, and the people there would now vote on whether or not to allow slavery The slave trade was ended in Washington, D.C. A strict new fugitive slave law was passed
Kansas-Nebraska Act 1854 Illinois Senator Stephen Douglas proposal Tried to settle the issue of slavery in the western territories The area west of Missouri & Iowa was divided into the territories of Kansas & Nebraska Both were north of 36*30’ so slavery had been banned there which angered southerners Douglas proposed repealing the Missouri Compromise line and letting the voters (popular sovereignty) in each territory vote on whether or not to have slavery Southerners supported it while northerners opposed it
Compromises on Slavery in the Western Territories Missouri Compromise 1820 Compromise of 1850 Kansas-Nebraska Act 1854
Missouri Compromise 1820 Proposed by _________________________________ Kept the number of __________states & __________ states equal ________________ enters the Union as a ____________state ________________enters the Union as a ____________state Drew a line @ _____________across the West as the boundary for slavery
David Wilmot Wilmot Proviso ____________________________(a Congressmen from Pennsylvania) called for this law. A proposed law to ban __________________in any lands won from _________________. _______________________opposed it because they said that ____________________had no right to ban slavery in the __________________________. In 1846, the _________________________________________passed this bill, but the _________________defeated it He proposed this law because northerners feared the ______________________ would extend __________________into the ____________________________.
Compromise of 1850 Proposed by ______________ ___________ entered the Union as a _______ state The rest of the Mexican Cession was divided into the territories of ________ & ____________, and the people there would now ________ on whether or not to allow ____________ The _____________ was ended in _____________ A strict new ______________________ was passed
Kansas-Nebraska Act 1854 Illinois Senator ___________________proposal Tried to settle the issue of _____________ in the __________ territories The area west of Missouri & Iowa was divided into the territories of ______________ & ________________ Both were north of 36*30’ so slavery had been ___________ there which angered _________________ Douglas proposed repealing the _____________________ line and letting the voters (_______________________) in each territory vote on whether or not to have slavery ______________ supported it while _______________ opposed it