Affordability in housing with care SE and SW Housing LIN Conference 1st May 2013 Ian Copeman Housing & Support Partnership
Why does affordability matter?
Can I/we afford to move?
Will I/we be able to afford to stay there comfortably?
Moving on….
How did people fund HWC?
The affordability ‘maze’…
The affordability ‘maze’… The costs and affordability of HWC for self-funders How self-funders understand the affordability of living in HWC The importance of welfare benefits and state help for self-funders Charging in HWC and affordability Equity release and affordability. 8
The affordability ‘maze’… Exit arrangements from HWC How support is funded Provider and local authority tensions Local authority modelling of HWC service costs for self-funders The impact of local authority procurement and contracting policies on self-funders Impact of local authority personalisation policies 9
Is HWC value for money?
So is HWC affordable…
Contacts Housing & Support Partnership Joseph Rowntree Foundation Joseph Rowntree Foundation 12
Resources Pannell, J., Blood, I. & Copeman, I. (2012) Affordability, Choices and Quality of Life in Housing with Care, Joseph Rowntree Foundation Copeman, I. & Pannell, J. (2012) Can self-funders afford housing with care? A guide for providers and commissioners, Housing LIN Blood, I., Pannell, J. & Copeman, I. (2012) Findings from Housing with Care Research, Practice Examples, Joseph Rowntree Foundation Blood, I., Pannell, J. & Copeman, I. (2012) Whose responsibility? Boundaries of Roles and Responsibilities in Housing with Care, Joseph Rowntree Foundation Aldridge, H., Kenway, P. & Pannell, J. (2012) Who can afford retirement housing? JRF/ New Policy Institute