Pharmacy and Falls Ask-Have you had a fall or felt increasingly unsteady in the last year? Risk factors for falls Leading cause of death through injury for 75+ Return to pre fracture independence 1 in 10 Muscle weakness, Poor balance gait Reduced mobility Repeated falls Poor eyesight & hearing Poor footwear inability to call for help Continence Environment Dizziness, blackout, syncope, cardiac Low blood pressure/postural hypotension Cognition, memory loss & delirium Fear of falling Consider Medicines use review MUR & use of STOP/START tool, update GP Medicines are appropriate Dosing Concordance Adverse reactions & interactions Changes in long term conditions, or health status Recent life events & admissions to Hospital Act- would they like a referral to Everyone Health (03330 05 0093 ) (If managing at home) or if not Health For advice, support and training