Greener Smarter Better Cities - an EU perspective Colette Maloney Head of Unit, Smart Cities and Sustainability DG Communication Networks, Content and Technology European Commission ITU-EC Forum, Paris, 17 September 2012 1
accrue to cities, businesses and citizens EU interest 20:20:20 targets, esp Energy Efficiency potential gains in cities using technologies benefits of a joined-up approach interoperable systems common frameworks for data handling and measurement open and accessible data accrue to cities, businesses and citizens shared experiences, goals, indicators
Smart Cities and Communities EIP Commission Communication - 10 July 2012 drive innovation at intersection of energy, transport and digital technologies equip cities to achieve sustainability goals engage citizens in the process scale-up avoiding vendor lock-in open, accessible data comparable indicators Challenges
- EU to play leading role - Implementation - from 2014: launch a set of "lighthouse projects" ... and a set of horizontal actions to foster cross-project cooperation - now: High Level Group and Stakeholders Platform - by 2014: deliver a Strategic Innovation Agenda Relevant Initiatives - Green Digital Charter - ITU-T methodologies for projects ( L.1430) and cities (L.1440) - EU to play leading role -
Importance of Standards reliable data for policy-makers, industries, citizens about energy consumption / carbon emissions enable comparative analyses: identification of common inefficiencies, best practices and opportunities useful basis for IT tools Key Issues - involving cities - assuring consistency, compatibility with existing efforts -and .....
How to measure the overall impact of ICT? Towards a Common Methodology: An agreed measurement framework to define environmental KPIs for ICT’s impact is a precondition The Issue EC Approach Application to Cities + - ? Working with SDOs (ITU, ETSI, IEC, …) Working with industry stakeholders Cities’ infrastructures cover whole potential of smart green ICT use: Buildings, Energy grids Water Transport Logistics Planning Transformative solutions + ICT as enabler to contribute to energy, resource efficiency targets Completing and expanding efforts to a common framework to capture ICT’s overall impact across environmental dimensions bringing multi-environmental criteria dimension (water, air pollution, raw materials, electricity, fuel…) - Negative impact of ICT on the environment To be able to compare and learn cities require own framework to measure ICT’s impact How to measure the overall impact of ICT?