Unity Game Development Unity2D & Advanced Unity features
Class overview Class 14 Revision Unity2D Spritesheets 2D Movement using Rigidbody2D Animating Sprites 2D Triggers & Collisions 2D Enemy AI Advanced: Extra Features Profiler Performance Optimization Unity Services Entity Component System (ECS)
Revision UNet Mirror Multiplayer Cameras NetworkAnimator [Command] [ClientRpc] SyncVar
Unity2D Unity2D = Intended for 2D games, different features & functionality. Several components have a 2D version such as: Rigidbody2D, BoxCollider2D, …
Spritesheets A sprite sheet is a bitmap image file that contains several smaller graphics in a tiled grid arrangement. Allows applications to use the graphics while only needing to load a single file.
2D Movement using Rigidbody2D CharacterController is not available in Unity2D, use Rigidbody2D instead. Calculating movement using input is similar, now using Vector2
Animating Sprites Name Sprites using Spritesheet Editor Setup Animator Controller for Player Sprite Open Animation window and setup Sprites in order
2D Triggers & Collisions Setup BoxCollider2D around character Mark as Trigger Activate during Attack using View Direction Deactivate after Attack
2D Enemy AI NavMesh and NavMeshAgent are unavailable in Unity2D For pathfinding a custom implementation is required (A* pathfinding?) Movement similar to player Determine Attack Direction & Move Rigidbody2D On impact change direction
Advanced: Extra Features Add UI to display player Health Implement PlayerDeath and PlayerVictory conditions Implement Audio effects Setup Sprite Animations Add Level restart functionality Controller & Keyboard support
Profiler Profiler allows you to monitor the performance of your Unity project. Including CPU Usage, Rendering (with Frame Debug) and Memory.
Performance Optimization Determine Performance issues using Profiler Use Static Batching when possible Reduce & Reuse Textures Use Culling to reduce Rendered Objects Optimize objects using LOD Compress all assets if possible (e.g. lower resolution, lower samplerate, …) Optimize Physics calculations using LayerMasks Use simple colliders and don’t overuse Rigidbodies Cache data instead of re-calculating same results
Unity Services Use Unity Services to: Implement Ads Analyze data Build in the cloud Collaborate Setup in-app purchases Setup Multiplayer settings
Entity Component System (ECS) ECS & Job System is a new way of programming massive performance gains
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