Database Programming Using Oracle 11g


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Presentation transcript:

Database Programming Using Oracle 11g Records

Records Record Composite Datatype Can hold more than one piece of information as compare to Scalar Datatype like number , varchars Single variable name can refer to row of a table

Records Type of Record Table Base Cursor Base User Defined

Records Type of Record Records can refer to all columns of the database table. RowType in used in Oracle to create table-based records

Records Implementing Table-based Records - I

Records declare emp_rec emp%rowtype; begin select * into emp_rec from emp where empno=7369; dbms_output.put_line (emp_rec.ename || ' ' || emp_rec.job); exception when no_data_found then dbms_output.put_line('No matching record found'); end;

Records Implementing Table-based Records - II

Records DECLARE emp_rec emp%ROWTYPE; BEGIN emp_rec.empno := 500; emp_rec.ename := 'Special'; emp_rec.ename := 'Consultant'; emp_rec.mgr := 7369; emp_rec.hiredate := sysdate; emp_rec.sal := 2000; emp_rec.comm := NULL; emp_rec.deptno := 10;

Records INSERT INTO emp VALUES emp_rec; dbms_output.put_line('Record base insertion is done'); END;

Records Cursor-based Records It can refer to all columns of the cursor defined . RowType in used in Oracle to create Cursor based records

Records Implementing Cursor -based Records - I

Records Write a PL/SQL block which should look for first occurrence of employee either with designation of CLERK or salary greater than 3000. Program should exit after this displaying success message

Records declare cursor c1 is select * from emp; c2 c1%rowtype; begin open c1; loop fetch c1 into c2; if c2.sal > 2000 or c2.job='CLERK' then dbms_output.put_line ('Value is matched'); exit end if; exit when c1%notfound; end loop; end;

Records Implementing Cursor -based Records - II

Records declare cursor c1 is select empno,ename,dname from emp e, dept d where e.deptno=d.deptno; c2 c1%rowtype; begin open c1; loop fetch c1 into c2; if c2.dname='SALES' then update emp set sal = sal*0.20 + sal where empno=c2.empno;

Records dbms_output.put_line ('Salary is updated by 20% of Employee no: ' || c2.empno); end if; exit when c1%notfound; end loop; end;

Records User Defined Record (UDR) UDR is composite datatype With UDR programmer have control over defination Define structure of UDR Define variable of UDR type

Records Syntax of User Defined Record

Records Step# 1: TYPE <type_name> IS RECORD (<field_name1> <datatype1>, <field_name2> <datatype2>, ... <field_nameN> <datatypeN> ); Step # 2: Declare variable of Type_name;

Records Syntax of User Defined Record (UDR) With UDR programmer is able to define its own structure Multiple variables of same UDR can be created

Records Implementing User Defined Record - I

Records Write a PL/SQL block to display the information of first 5 employees who are working as MAN in their ename

Records declare type emp_rec is RECORD (empno emp.empno%type, ename emp.ename%type, sal emp.ename%type); emp_rec_val emp_rec; cursor c1 is select empno, ename, sal from emp where job like ('%MAN%'); begin open c1;

Records loop fetch c1 into emp_rec_val; dbms_output.put_line (emp_rec_val.ename || emp_rec_val.sal ); exit when c1%rowcount > 5; end loop; end;

Records Implementing User Defined Record - II

Records declare type emp_rec is RECORD (empno emp.empno%type, ename emp.ename%type, sal emp.ename%type); emp_rec_val emp_rec; cursor c1 is select empno, ename, sal from emp where job like ('%MAN%'); begin open c1;

Records loop fetch c1 into emp_rec_val.empno, emp_rec_val.ename,emp_rec_val.sal; if emp_rec_val.ename ='BLAKE' then insert into history values (emp_rec_val.empno, emp_rec_val.ename,sysdate()); dbms_output.put_line ('Data Added in history table' ); end if ; exit when c1%rowcount > 5; end loop; end;