Triglycerides and leptin transport. Triglycerides and leptin transport. A: Triglycerides but not FFAs induce resistance to leptin transport across the BBB. Triglycerides or FFAs were given intravenously with the I-Lep and brain and blood samples collected 10 min later. Three triglycerides (triolein, DPOG, and DSOG) inhibited leptin transport across the BBB. DMOG was ineffective in mice. Triglycerides were given at a dose of 7.2 mg/mouse to replicate the dose of total triglycerides in a volume of 0.2 ml whole milk. Palmitate (0.4 mg/mouse), stearate (0.4 mg/mouse), and oleate (0.72 mg/mouse) were ineffective at doses calculated to produce blood levels exceeding those seen in starvation. Oleate was also ineffective at the doses at which triolein was effective (7.2 mg/mouse). **P < 0.01. B: Triolein has a dose-dependent effect on I-Lep transport. Triolein and I-Lep were injected together, and brain and blood samples were collected 10 min later. William A. Banks et al. Diabetes 2004;53:1253-1260 ©2004 by American Diabetes Association