T2D loci stratified by patterns of quantitative trait (e. g T2D loci stratified by patterns of quantitative trait (e.g., glycemic, insulin, lipid, and anthropometric) effects show distinct cell-type annotation patterns. T2D loci stratified by patterns of quantitative trait (e.g., glycemic, insulin, lipid, and anthropometric) effects show distinct cell-type annotation patterns. We hierarchically clustered loci based on endophenotype data and identified groups of T2D loci associated with measures of insulin secretion (A), insulin resistance (B), and BMI/lipids (C). We then tested the effect of variants in cell-type enhancer and promoter chromatin states on the posterior probabilities of credible sets for each group. We identified most significant effects among pancreatic (Panc.) islet chromatin for insulin secretion loci, CD14+ monocyte and adipose chromatin for insulin resistance loci, and liver chromatin for BMI/lipid loci. Robert A. Scott et al. Diabetes 2017;66:2888-2902 ©2017 by American Diabetes Association