ESPON Workshop 15 May 2013, Bruxelles Stepping into the sea
Reality Maritime issues increasingly in focus Need for sustainable use of the seas Multitude of economic interests Strong interdependency land-sea Territorial diversity
Policy context EU 2020 Strategy support from all policy areas European Structural Investment Policy 2014- 2020 and Common Strategic Framework Blue book on Integrated Maritime Policy Blue Growth Strategy and draft Directive for sustainable management of marine and coastal areas Territorial Agenda 2020 Integrated coastal zone management Structural Funds programme projects on maritime spatial planning
New European territorial evidence ESPON evidence with pan-European comparable information on European seas Looks at seas as an integrated and active part of the European space Map different types of sea use across Europe Identify various development opportunities and risks for the different types of European maritime regions Explore best practice examples of terrestrial-marine and maritime governance
Purpose of the Workshop Contribute to the understanding of European sea-land situations and relations Focus on the maritime dimension of European cohesion Present of the new evidence and discuss its usefulness for policy development Learn more from various stakeholders dealing with maritime issues Debate coastal and maritime governance, and possible improvements by a place- based approach
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